
Alserkal Arts Foundation Research Grants 2020 | How To Apply

Alserkal Arts Foundation Research Grants application form 2020 | How to apply.
Below, are the details on Alserkal Arts Foundation Research Grants application form, requirements, eligibility,  qualifications needed, application guidelines, application deadline, how to apply, closing date, and other opportunities links for South Africans is published here on as well as on the official website/application portal.


Alserkal Arts Foundation Research Grants 2020 (up to US$10,000)

The Alserkal Arts Foundation Research Grants application details have been published here. All Eligible and Interested applicants may apply online for this opportunity before the application deadline-closing date.

  • Don’t forget that Alserkal Arts Foundation Research Grants is totally free of charge
  • Don’t send anyone money for this opportunity.
  • Beware of Fraudsters!!!!
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Details of Alserkal Arts Foundation Research Grants

Applications are open for the Alserkal Arts Foundation Research Grants 2020. The Grants are designed to support radical, innovative, and contemporary research that challenges traditional modes of practice in a variety of fields.

The grants place an emphasis on interdisciplinary proposals, comparative studies, and societal discourses that link the arts, humanities, and social sciences in the context of Middle East, Africa and South Asia (MEASA). The grant seeks applications especially from those individuals and collectives that dynamically aim to disrupt conservative boundaries between conventional disciplines.


Potential grant awardees can include, but are in no way limited to, multidisciplinary visual and sonic artists, architects, writers of fiction and non-fiction, independent publishers, documentary filmmakers and educators, geographers, historians, economists and social scientists. Applicants who demonstrate a strong interest in pursuing broad, intersectional, and experimental approaches to research in their respective fields will be prioritised.
Research grants are awarded as follows:

  • Grants for individuals – up to US$5,000
  • Grants for duos/collectives – up to US$10,000
  • Grants for independent publishers – up to US$10,000
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  • Applicants from all countries and disciplines are eligible;
  • They should be over 21 years of age;
  • Have 5 years of experience;
  • Demonstrate an imaginative and evolving practice which creates space for accessible discourse and pedagogy.

The following types of projects/proposals will be disqualified from consideration:

  • Projects with a commercial interest or outcome;
  • Projects for a political or religious entity or group;
  • Projects for a registered charity, healthcare, or educational organisations;
  • Projects with a realisation deadline of more than 24 months.

Selection Criteria
Selection for Alserkal Arts Foundation’s Research Grants is based on applicants’ potential to become influential researchers, writers, practitioners, and thought-leaders in their respective fields. The application should make a cohesive argument for how the applicant will expand their expertise through Alserkal Arts Foundation’s Research Grants.

The following documents are to be uploaded

  • Up-to-date Curriculum Vitae: Your CV should be a maximum of three pages, and should include a list of major publications, research studies and relevant projects undertaken.
  • Portfolio: Portfolios must be submitted as a PDF and this may include your research papers, thesis summary, images, videos and other materials that will help the selection committee gain an understanding of your interests, experiences and research potential. Please make sure your portfolio is no longer than 10 pages. Maximum file size is 10MB.

Research proposal: Research proposals should be uploaded in PDF format, no longer than 2 pages. Maximum file size is 10MB. Your proposal should include:
    • Context, background and rationale for the research;
    • Research expertise and new areas of research that will be explored during the grant period;
    • How your work references/relates to the MEASA region;
    • Theoretical framework;
    • Research methodology and analytical tools that will be used;
    • Description of research outcomes and how you intend to take it forward;
    • Detailed description of how you intend to use the grant amount.
  • Abstract: A summary of your research proposal in fewer than 300 words.
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Letters of recommendation
They require two letters of recommendation with your application. Individuals writing letters of recommendation are required to submit them through the online application system. Once you submit the names and contact details of your references, they will receive an email confirmation with instructions to submit their reference.
Please note that letters of recommendation are due on or before the application deadline. Please contact your referees well in advance to make them aware of their responsibility. They recommend that you choose individuals who can provide both an academic and professional evaluation of your potential to succeed as a grant recipient.
Click here to apply
For more information, visit Alserkal Arts Foundation.
Deadline: January 31, 2020
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