
Official List of Bloemfontein Zip Codes and Postal Codes

Are you looking for Bloemfontein Zip Codes and Postal Codes? Search No More. Here is the list of Suburbs Zip Codes, and Postal Codes of Bloemfontein, South Africa. Each Suburb has its unique code. We have taken my time to arrange these codes for you.


Postal codes and Zip codes are 4 digits codes that represent each suburb. In other words, codes are used to identify each suburb in Bloemfontein.

Bloemfontein is the capital city of the Free State province in South Africa and also the judicial capital of South Africa.

List of Bloemfontein Postal Code And Bloemfontein Zip Codes


Zip Code

Postal Code

Aandrus N/A 9301
Albert Luthuli 9323 N/A
Arboretum 9305 9301
Batho 9307 9323
Bayswater N/A 9301
Bloemfontein 9300 9301
Bloemfontein Speed Services 9329 N/A
Bloemside 9306 9306
Bloemspruit 9364 9364
Botshabelo 9781 9781
Brandhof 9324 9324
Brandwag N/A 9301
Buitesig N/A 9301
Chris Hani 9301 N/A
Community N/A 9301
Crossroads 9334 N/A
DAN Pienaar N/A 9301
Danhof 9310 9301
DE Brug 9928 N/A
Drusana 9311 N/A
East END 9300 9300
Ehrlichpark 9312 9301
Exton Road 9313 N/A
Extonweg 9313 N/A
Fairview N/A 9301
Fauna N/A 9301
Faunasig 9325 9301
Fichardt Park 9317 9301
Fleurdal N/A 9301
Flora 9301 N/A
Freedom Square 9301 9323
GA-Sehunelo 9315 9323
Gardenia Park N/A 9301
Generaal DE WET N/A 9301
Glen 9360 N/A
Grassland 9380 9306
Groenvlei N/A 9301
Hamilton N/A 9301
Heidedal 9306 9301
Helikonhoogte N/A 9301
Heuwelsig 9332 9301
Hillsboro N/A 9301
Hillside N/A 9301
Hilton N/A 9301
Hospitaalpark N/A 9301
Ikgomotseng 9358 9358
Industrial Area N/A 9301
Industriele Gebied N/A 9301
Kagisanong 9309 9323
Kenworth 9303 N/A
Kiepersol N/A 9301
Kloofeind 9327 N/A
Kwaggafontein N/A 9301
Lakeview N/A 9301
Langenhovenpark 9330 9301
Lourier Park 9301 9301
Mafora 9301 N/A
Mangaung 9307 9323
Naval View N/A 9301
Navalsig N/A 9301
NEW East END N/A 9301
Noordhoek N/A 9301
Noordstad 9302 N/A
OOS-Einde 9300 9300
Opkoms N/A 9301
Oranjesig N/A 9301
Park West N/A 9301
Park-WES N/A 9301
Pellissier 9322 9301
Pentagonpark N/A 9301
Renosterspruit 9326 N/A
Roodewal N/A 9300
Soutpan 9356 N/A
Spitskop N/A 9301
Tempe 9300 9300
Uitsig N/A 9301
Universitas 9321 9301
Universitas Ridge N/A 9301
Universitas WES N/A 9301
Universitas West N/A 9301
Universitasrif N/A 9301
Universiteit Van Bloemfontein N/A 9301
University of Bloemfontein N/A 9301
Vukuzenzele N/A 9323
Waverley N/A 9301
Westdene N/A 9301
Wilgehof N/A 9301
Willows 9320 9301
Woodlands N/A 9301
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