
Boston City Campus Registrations Process 2023/2024

Boston City Campus & Business College Registration Process 2023, Fees, Registration Dates, and other registration important information.


Boston City Campus Registrations Process 2023

The Boston Short Learning Programme and Occupational Students cannot register online and must complete, sign and submit a hard-copy of the Registration Contract at a Boston Branch.

Boston City Campus (Pty) Ltd: Digital Learning Students may register online to enrol for Micro and Nano SLP-courses.

Upon registration, a student acknowledges:

  • that she/he has read and understands the information contained in the Registration Contract, the Student Information and Rulebook and, where relevant, the programme Fact Sheet; and,
  • that she/he undertakes to be bound by the general rules, policies, regulations and procedures of the Institution, including the Code of Conduct. (In the case of all minors, parents or guardians must also sign and submit a hard copy of the agreement).

By signing the Registration Contract, students and/or parents or guardians signal their acceptance of the Fees Invoice. Furthermore, the confirmation of a student’s enrolment at Boston requires that students submit themselves to the rules and regulations of the Institution and that they (or their parent(s)/guardian) undertake to pay the prescribed fees associated with their enrolment at Boston. External Fees, associated with Institute Learning Programmes, as defined in the Prospectus (Assessment and Tuition Fees), are linked to the prevailing exchange rate and may consequently vary.

The registration fee and the first installment of the tuition fee, as determined annually by the Institution, are payable upon registration.

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After registration, students are obliged to pay the outstanding fees due on or before the dates stipulated by the Institution and set out in the final Fees invoice.

See also  Boston City Campus Website Address

Students who cancel their registration within the 7-day cooling off period are not entitled to reimbursement of the registration fee. Students who cancel their registration after the 7-day cooling off period are not entitled to reimbursement of the registration fee and remain liable for the tuition fees in accordance with the Registration Contract.

The registration of students is valid for the applicable registration period only and lapses on expiry of this period. No student will be permitted to continue with studies outside of the stipulated contract period with the Institution. Failure to complete a qualification within the contract period will require a student to re-register with the institution to complete their qualification.

Students register for a programme as contained in the Institution’s Annual Prospectus and with special reference to the Registration Contract Regulations and Terms and Conditions.

The Boston Board of Directors and Academic Committee may determine the minimum number of students who should register for a programme or a module for it to be offered on a particular campus and/or in a particular year.

Students register for a programme and are subject to the academic regulations that applied at the time of first registration for that particular programme, provided that:

(a) Where the regulations are amended, students who commenced their studies under the previous regulations and who have not interrupted their studies may complete their studies according to the previous regulations;

(b) If the new regulations are beneficial to them, students may complete their studies under these new regulations;

(c) The Academic Committee may set special transitional arrangements, in respect of programmes where a change has been approved, and determine a date on which new regulations will be phased in and previous regulations phased out.

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Students who were registered for a programme and who failed to renew their registration for that programme in the following academic semester or year, or who have interrupted their studies, forfeit the right to complete their studies according to the previous regulations, provided that:

(a) Registration for experiential learning or work-integrated learning for the academic period following the period in question will be regarded as a renewal of registration;

(b) The Registrar and Academic Executive/Head may, in exceptional circumstances, allow students to continue their studies according to conditions that may be determined.

When regulations are amended, the Academic Committee may formulate transitional regulations for students to complete a specific programme according to the new regulations.

Omission of material information and submission of incorrect documentation

The Institution has the right to cancel an application and/or registration of a student has who provided incorrect information and documentation with an application for admission or who omitted to provide material information or documentation.

Change of personal information

Students must inform the Institution of any changes in their names and other personal details. Correspondence to students will be addressed to the postal address, email address and cell phone number supplied during registration or as changed according to the previous regulations.


The Institution can unfortunately only accommodate certain needs and this varies between Tuition/Support Centres/Sites. Each Centre/Site will be able to provide specific details about its facilities.

Students are required/encouraged to declare any disability at the time of registration for recording in the Institution’s Information Management System and Student Administration Management system and reporting purposes to the Department of Education and Training (DHET).

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One Comment on “Boston City Campus Registrations Process 2023/2024”

  1. hello im cebisile vilakazi i want to know if i want to apply at boston what must i do pleas help me
    thank you

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