
Central Application Office CAO Programmes List 2023

Central Application Office CAO Programmes List 2023, Level of Study, Programme Name, Code, Institution Closing Date, Entry Term, Duration and Minimum Points.


CAO Programmes List

This page gives full information about the programmes list available at the Central Application Office (CAO).


A. On this Website

1. Click on the “Programme list


2. Use the filters to search for programmes by institution, exam type, working personality or career direction OR

3. Enter the specific programme name or code if you know it

B. In our Handbook

1. The programme choice list is divided according to career directions.

2. Career directions are divided into two sections.

(a) The first with the BLUE heading contains programmes at universities and universities of technology and

(b) The second with the ORANGE heading contains programmes at private colleges

(c) To find a programme, look up the field of study, for example, Sport, in the Index (pages 210 to 214) and then go directly to the page/s specified. Programmes are grouped according to the level of study within each career direction.

The different levels of study are:

• Shorter course study

• NC(V) study

• Nated Certificate & Diploma study (Report 191 Programmes)

• Certificate study• Diploma study

• Degree study

• B Tech/M Tech study (programmes for people with a diploma or a degree)

If you are looking for postgraduate study, consult the institution for courses that are not included on this website or in this Handbook. You will also find some shorter courses and programmes for people who are already working as educators or nurses.

See also  Rhodes University Education Degree Structure

RELATEDHow to Apply Online at Central Applications Office (CAO)

What the Programme list shows you

Programme name

The full name of the programme, for example, B Com Accounting (4 yr).

Colour codes in programme name

Pink: Part-time study

Brown: A new programme awaiting approval from DHET/Senate at the time of this Handbook being published. Contact the institution to confirm if the programme will be offered.

Programme code

The alpha-numeric code contains six characters. It is linked to a specific programme at a specific institutional campus. The first two letters indicate the institution’s name, and the third letter indicates the campus. The last three letters and/or numbers indicate the programme.

Institution and Campus Codes


Closing date

Programme closing dates are listed. Take note that many programmes have early closing dates to accommodate interviews and assessment tests. Applications received after the closing dates are processed as ‘late’. Late applications are dealt with differently at each institution (refer to the institutions prospectus for more information). N.B. Health Science programmes at UKZN do not consider applications received after the closing date.

Entry term

The time of year the programme starts.

There are two entry terms:

1 – Entry in the first semester, which starts between January and February

3 – Entry in the second semester, which starts between July and August


The minimum number of months or years you would have to study. Please note that part-time study takes longer than full-time study.

Minimum points

This is the lowest number of points you can attain to apply for a programme. The points requirements may differ depending on the school leaving examination you wrote. You can calculate your total points from your latest examination results as explained below.

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