
Contact Details of Centre for Fine Art Animation and Design Address & Phone Number

Centre for Fine Art Animation and Design Contact Address.

Centre for Fine Art Animation and Design Contact Address.

Contact Details of Centre for Fine Art Animation and Design, Location, Phone Number, Postal Address, History, Alumni, Campus Address, Direction, Website, Fax, Ranking, FAQs, Google Map, Review, Funding, Banking Details, Opening Days, and Hour.


All Information regarding the Centre for Fine Art Animation and Design online application form, courses offered, faculties/programmes, bursaries, prospectus, minimum entry requirements, programs duration, student portal login, vacancies, intake registration instruction, admission letter download pdf, checking of test and exam result, tenders, fees structure, admission login portal are accessible on this website has obtained from the official website.

About Centre for Fine Art Animation and Design

See Also: Centre for Fine Art Animation and Design Online Application Form

The Centre for Fine Art, Animation & Design (CFAD) was established in 1994.


From San Francisco to New York, internationally acclaimed artist Nanda Soobben has applied his expertise and practical knowledge to the development of The Centre of Fine Art, Animation & Design.

Nanda Soobben has developed the CFAD into a modern thriving art school where through a system of mentorship students can transform their creativity into marketable skills. CFAD offers an integrated Fine Art and Graphic Design diploma.The three year diploma incorporates animation and TV commercial production.

The CFAD uses computers as a high tech tool to produce creative results. Students begin with basic drawing and painting, design and advertising techniques and then move to more comples projects. Senior students also produce a 30 second television commercial and a full advertising campaign that requires the production of logo design, brochures, billboards and 3D packaging.

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Animation is an integral part of the CFAD curriculum. Travis O’ Sullivan created a 30 second animated advert that won the Vuka Award for Best Animation 2000. Following on this achievement, and animated advert for Life Line, created by Tyron Love, a second year student, was nominated for the Vuka Award 2001 finals. The animation programme is supervised by Nanda Soobben, who apart from producing daily cartoons for major newspapers, is also working on an animated film which has been commissioned by the Department of Art, Culture, Science & Technology.

Centre for Fine Art Animation and Design Contact Details.

If you want to talk to us we would love to hear from you!

If you want to talk to us we would love to hear from you!

Smart Exchange Building, 1107 Dr A B Xuma St,

Durban Central, Durban, 4001,

South Africa

Phone: +27 31 207 2350

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