
Coastal KZN TVET College Contact Details: Email, Location & Phone Numbers

Coastal KZN TVET College Contact Details: Location, Tel, Email, Alumni, Campus Address, Website, Ranking, FAQs, Google Maps, Review, Funding, Banking Details, Phone Number, Postal Address, Opening Days, and Hour.


Are you looking for the contact address of the Coastal KZN TVET College? This post provides a direct link for Undergraduate, NCV, NATED, Diploma, and Certificate programs students and staff to access and get in touch with the Coastal KZN TVET College management.

What You Need to Know About the Coastal KZN TVET College.

This college is a merger of the former Durban Technical College, Swinton Road Technical College, and Umlazi Technical College. It includes former Umbumbulu and Appelsbosch Colleges of Education. It is the largest College in KwaZulu-Natal, currently averaging about 15,000 full-time equivalents and about 800 staff members.

The coastal KZN TVET College catchment area is from Ozwathini to the South of Durban and continues for a strip of about 80km towards the South Coast. It includes Maphumulo, Stanger, Ndwedwe, the Bluff area, Chatsworth, Lamontville, Umlazi, KwaMakhutha, Isipingo, Amanzimtoti, Illovo right down to Scottburgh, but due to the residence facilities we have students from all over the country.


The Central Administration Office of the College is at KwaMakhutha, which is a semi-rural setting.

This College is well known for catering to adult learners, unemployed and employed by local industry, out-of-school youth, project linked trainees ranging from learners with a low academic background to those who have had opportunities to enhance their educational level.

The college is positioning itself to be able to take leadership in addressing the socio-economic needs of the broader community, through innovation and delivery of responsive programs.

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A Pioneering Centre of Excellence, serving the socio-economic needs of a diverse community, with world-class education and training, leading to lifelong learning.


Our mission is to provide quality pioneering education and training for the upliftment of the broader community, by offering diverse programs, providing an effective student support system, and optimally utilizing relevant resources.


We shall strive to uphold our values of:

Pioneering: Responsive to new trends, industrial demands and training needs through innovation.

Accountability: Upholding statutory requirements committed to transparent practices in serving our communities.

Integrity: Honouring the calling of the education and training profession in rendering our services to our clients to the best of our abilities and leading by example.

Teamwork: Co-operating with one another and with our partners in an open and supportive way to achieve our shared goals.

Social Responsibility: Ability to reach out to our fellow community members and render support where it is possible.

Commitment: committed to service excellence and to live up to the vision and mission of our College.

Respect: Uphold human dignity amongst colleagues, clients, and stakeholders.

See Also: Coastal KZN TVET College Online Application Form

Coastal KZN TVET College Contact Details.

If you want to talk to us we would love to hear from you!

Central Administration Office
50051 Mfundi Mngadi Dr, KwaMakhutha ● PO Box 1795, Amanzimtoti, 4126

T:+27 31 905 1039

F:+27 31 905 1399



Appelsbosch Campus
1621 Appelsbosch Hospital Road, Ozwatini ● Private Bag x202, Ozwatini, 3242
T: +27 31 905 7000/1, F: + 27 32 294 8410

See also  Coastal KZN TVET College Student Accommodation Process

As-salaam Satellite Campus
Road D691 off Ixopo Main Road, Braemer ● PO Box 11811, Braemer, 4202
T: +27 31 003 3470, F: +27 39 971 1712

Durban Campus
1 Jameson Crescent, Umbilo ● Private Bag x01, Congella, 4013
T: +27 31 206 0616/7/8, F: +27 31 206 0945

Swinton Campus
20 Swinton Road, Mobeni ● PO Box 32050, Mobeni, 4065
T: +27 31 462 2333, F: +27 31 462 3230

UMbumbulu Campus
50051 Mfundi Mngadi Dr, KwaMakhutha ● PO Box 1795, Amanzimtoti, 4126
T: +27 31 905 7200, F: +27 31 905 1472

UMlazi-BB Campus
BB1258 Nandi Road, Umlazi ● Private Bag x20003, Amanzimtoti, 4126
T: +27 31 909 3800/3811, F: +27 31 909 4944

UMlazi-V Campus
200 Prince Mcwayizeni Dr ● Private Bag x04, Isipingo, 4110
T: +27 31 907 2666 / 2672, F: +27 31 907 2679

Ubuhle Bogu Campus (kwaQiko)
P77 Mkhunya Road, KwaQiko
T: +27 31 905 7000/1

Tooling Centre of Excellence
1 Jameson Crescent, Umbilo ● Private Bag x01, Congella, 4013
T: +27 31 274 8441, F: +27 31 206 1921, E:

CKZN Occupational Skills Training & Testing Centre
G32 Buthelezi Road, Mpumalanga Township, Hammarsdale
T: +27 31 771 1370, E:

Enterprise Development Unit
20 Swinton Road, Mobeni
T: +27 31 462 8772/6, F: +27 31 462 9446, E:

The Training Academy
50051 Mfundi Mngadi Dr, KwaMakhutha
T: +27 31 905 7063, E:

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