
Cornerstone Institute Financial Policy & Fees Information

Cornerstone Institute Financial Aid Policy, Cornerstone Institute Fees Structure, Cornerstone Institute Banking Details, and Cornerstone Institute Contact Details.


The Cornerstone is an independent, not-for-profit higher education institution engaged in teaching and learning in service of others, to advance human dignity and social justice for all.

Cornerstone Institute Financial Aid Policy 


The Financial Aid Program is established to assist students, where possible, to access tertiary study and to succeed through the provision of financial assistance. Financial assistance is usually in the form of partial remission of fees and is dependent on the availability of funds and the criteria in section 6 below. The responsibility for financing the fees rests with the student, as specified in the Cornerstone Yearbook under Fee Structure.


The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework and guidelines for establishing and managing the application, selection, and review processes and procedures of the Cornerstone Financial Aid Program. The Financial Aid Committee is the sole custodian of fund allocations.



Cornerstone provides financial aid from external funders as well as from internal resources as determined from time to time by Management. External funders include individual funders, organizations, trusts, religious institutions, or donors.  Selection criteria may be applied as specified by a particular donor about their grant funds.

Financial Aid Students are not exempt from complying with the Fee Policy.

All students who receive funding from Cornerstone Institute and, if, required by Cornerstone Partners are required to complete the Financial Aid form.

As a private higher education institution, Cornerstone does not receive any financial assistance or subsidy from the government.

This policy is to be read in conjunction with the Fee Policy.


The Financial Aid Committee (FAC) has responsibility for the implementation and ongoing compliance of this policy. The FAC must comprise at least six of the office bearers below and should ideally consist of all of the following:

  • The Financial Manager (Chairperson)
  • A Representative from the Registrar’s Office
  • The Advancement Officer
  • The Financial Officer
  • A Representative from the Student Services Department
  • The Financial Aid Officer
  • A Student Representative Council Member
  • The CEO or his/ her representative
  • An Alumni Representative
  • A Faculty member
  • Any other staff members who can make a valuable contribution may be co-opted.
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Financial Aid meetings occur no less than four times per year, using an agenda that must include:

  • A schedule on the availability and allocation of funds from the Finance Office.
  • A funders report
  • Allocation of funds (if applicable)


An Appeals Committee will be appointed by Senior Management on a case-by-case basis.

A financial aid applicant who is not allocated funding, or a recipient whose funding is withdrawn, is entitled to appeal if they consider that their case has not been considered correctly or fairly.

In the case where an applicant has not been successful, the following process should be followed:

(1) They should seek explanatory feedback from the FAC in writing. Feedback from the FAC is expected to be provided to the student within five working days.

(2) If the student is dissatisfied with the explanation provided by the FAC, an appeal against the decision can be made in writing, outlining the grounds of the appeal and addressed to Management. Students may include any material lending support to their case with their appeal.

In the case of a student who wishes to appeal against a decision to have financial aid withdrawn, they must do so in writing to the FAC.  The appeal must be received within ten working days of the date of notification of the decision. Students may include any material lending support to their case with their appeal.  The FAC will escalate the appeal through Senior Management, who will advise on the action steps to be taken. Senior Management will consider the appeal and any decision that is reached will be final.

If an appeal is not lodged within the specified timeframe, the original FAC decision stands. The outcome of an appeal is provided to the student within twenty working days of receipt of the appeal. Students will be notified of any unforeseen delays in finalizing consideration of an appeal.

In the case of financial aid that is withdrawn, the funding in question will be suspended until the outcome of the appeal process has been determined. If no appeal against a withdrawal decision is lodged, the withdrawal decision stands and the recipient will not be entitled to re-apply for any further Cornerstone financial aid within the current year. If a withdrawal decision is upheld, the recipient will forfeit the remainder of the FAC funding for that year.

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Applicants are considered for financial aid based on the following criteria.

New Applicants (also read the additional criteria for all students)

  • The applicant has completed the financial aid application form and submitted all supporting documents before the application closing date.
  • The applicant is from RSA.
  • The applicant has made the initial payment to Cornerstone as indicated in the fee structure and is compliant with arrangements for the outstanding balance of the tuition fees for the current year.

Current Students (also read the additional criteria for all students)

  • The student is not on academic probation
  • Students who have failed an academic year or modules may not re-apply for assistance for that same academic year or modules
  • The student has settled any outstanding balances of the previous year and made initial payments as indicated in the fee structure by the 31st

Additional criteria for all applicants

  • The student has signed the agreement and declaration form.
  • The student disclosed all necessary information that may influence the awarding of financial aid.
  • The student is taking at least 80 credits per year or 40 credits per semester.
  • Indication of their initiative to secure other funding
  • The student serves 10 hours per semester of community service at Cornerstone Institute or within their community.
  • The student’s compliance with the fee policy is compulsory.
  • No financial aid allocation will be made if the student does not comply with the fee policy in all respects. The fee policy supersedes the financial aid policy.

Qualitative criteria for all applicants would include:

  • Student’s attitudes and conduct towards their educational journey
  • The students’ community involvement and commitment to social justice
  • The expected year of graduation
  • The financial needs of the student
  • A financial and academic update

Additional eligibility criteria may be considered as per a donor’s requirements.

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  • Only completed Financial Aid application forms with all supporting documents will be considered.
  • Only South African students may apply for financial aid.
  • The initial specified payment as indicated in the fee structure must be paid at registration to activate the approved funding.
  • Returning students have to ensure that their student account is up to date before they can be considered for financial aid for the next academic year.
  • All financial aid recipients are required to submit an annual Funder Thank-you Letter to the Financial Aid Officer and to update their Profile, to be made available for funders.
  • The student must commit to completing the qualification (failing which all monies granted must be repaid) and sign an undertaking accordingly.
  • Module failures as well as additional modules taken are not eligible for financial aid.
  • Failure of an applicant to disclose information that may influence the awarding of financial aid will result in the cancellation of funds awarded.

Cornerstone Institute Fees Structure

The management of the Cornerstone Institute has released the new & returning students’ school fees structure for the academic year.

The following policies and procedures apply to all students who officially register for programs at the Cornerstone Institute.

The Institute reserves the right to change fees without prior notice. However, fee changes are subject to approval by the Governing Council and we will update it ASAP.

The Cornerstone Institute Tuition and fees schedule has been successfully uploaded online.

Click Here to read more about the Cornerstone FEE-STRUCTURE.

Cornerstone Institute Banking Details

NOTE: Cornerstone Institute will never ask you for personal information such as passwords, usernames, credit card details, or PIN codes. Use your ID number as a reference. Please make sure that you have read and understood the registration and application terms and conditions.

If you still wish to pay at the bank, Use the details below, Please ensure that you input the correct information and amount.

Account Name Cornerstone Institute
Bank Nedbank
Branch Number 102510 (Parow)/198765 (Universal Code)
Account Number 107 503 0269
International Swift No: NEDSZAJJ



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