
Contact Details of eta College Address & Phone Number

eta College Contact Address.

Contact Details of eta College, Location, Phone Number, Postal Address, History, Alumni, Campus Address, Direction, Website, Fax, Ranking, FAQs, Google Map, Review, Funding, Banking Details, Opening Days, and Hour.


All Information regarding the eta College online application form, courses offered, faculties/programmes, bursaries, prospectus, minimum entry requirements, programs duration, student portal login, vacancies, intake registration instruction, admission letter download pdf, checking of test and exam result, tenders, fees structure, admission login portal are accessible on this website has obtained from the official website.

About eta College.

eta College is a private higher education and training college specialising in qualifications that lead to employment in the sport and fitness industries.

These qualifications are registered on the Higher Education Qualifications Framework (HEQSF) as well as on the Occupational Qualifications Sub Framework. They are benchmarked against the best international standards in sport and fitness, which means that our graduates are well equipped to find employment in South Africa and all over the world.


eta prides itself on being the leader in educational programmes for the sport and fitness industry. As a single-purpose sport and fitness college, we dedicate ourselves to providing dynamic learning programmes that lead to internationally benchmarked qualifications.

Our occupational programmes are approved by CATHSSETA and our higher education programmes are accredited by the CHE. Our qualifications are registered on the National Qualifications Framwork (NQF) by the South African Qualifications authority (SAQA).

In fulfilling our accreditation criteria, our higher education sites are registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training as a private higher education institution.

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To ensure that we meet the needs of sport and fitness in South Africa, eta is also a licensed service provider with Sport and Recreation South Africa (SRSA).

Our qualifications are benchmarked against international best practice in sport and fitness; thus our graduates are able to find employment in South African and all over the world.

Students can study coaching science, fitness or sports management.

There is the option of pursuing full time studies, which is ideal for the school leavers; part time studies, which is great for those wanting to make a career change or learn more about their field of interest. For those wanting flexibility with their studies, online learning is a perfect solution.

eta distinguishes itself by being a specialist sport and fitness college that totally immerses its students in their subject matter of sport, fitness or sport management. We balance classroom theory and research with practical learning and work-based experience.

Our students leave us fitter, stronger than when they started and they graduate skilled and ready for the workplace.

eta has twelve campuses. These are located in Bloemfontein, Botswana, Cape town, Durban, East London, George, Johannesburg, Mauritius, Namibia, Port Elizabeth, Pretoria and Stellenbosch.

DHET registered campuses are BFN, CPT, DBN, GRG, JHB, PTA, STB .  We have additional sites offering CATHSSETA accredited programmes in PLZ, Namibia, Mauritius and soon Botswana.

eta College Contact Details.

If you want to talk to us we would love to hear from you!

eta National 

+27 (0)87 150 0664

eta Bloemfontein

eta Cape Town

eta Distance Learning

eta Dubai

eta Durban

eta East London

eta George

eta Johannesburg

eta Mauritius

eta Namibia

eta Nelspruit

eta Port Elizabeth

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eta Pretoria

eta Short Courses

eta Stellenbosch

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