
Global Pluralism Award 2021/2022 | How To Apply

Global Pluralism Award application form | How to apply.


Below, are the details on Global Pluralism Award 2021 for Individuals and Organizations Worldwide (CAD $150,000 prize) application form, requirements, eligibility,  qualifications needed, application guidelines, application deadline, how to apply, closing date, and other opportunities links for South Africans is published here on as well as on the official website/application portal.

Global Pluralism Award

The Global Pluralism Award application details have been published here. All Eligible and Interested applicants may apply online for this opportunity before the application deadline-closing date.


  • Don’t forget that Global Pluralism Award application is totally free of charge
  • Don’t send anyone money for this opportunity.
  • Beware of Fraudsters!!!!
  • Subscribe to our notification list with your email to receive the Latest Opportunities Update.

Details of Global Pluralism Award

Applications are open for the Global Pluralism Award 2021. The Global Pluralism Award recognizes pluralism in action. It celebrates the extraordinary achievements of organizations, individuals and governments who are tackling the challenge of living peacefully and productively with diversity.

The Award is presented once every two years to individuals, organizations, governments and businesses of any nationality. Through their remarkable and sustained achievements, awardees contribute to building more inclusive societies in which human diversity is protected.

Award Objectives

Presented by the Global Centre for Pluralism, an international research and education centre located in Ottawa, Canada, the Award aims to:

  • Raise the international profile of pluralism, defined as a principle of respect for diversity
  • Identify and disseminate innovative and successful approaches to pluralism globally, and
  • Recognize and raise the profile of exemplary organizations, individuals or other entities seeking to advance pluralism.
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  • Three Award winners will share a total prize pool of CAD $150,000. The monetary prize will be equally divided among the three Award winners (CAD $50,000 each).
  • In late 2021, each of the three Award winners and up to seven honourable mention recipients, or their delegates, will be invited to the Award ceremony.
  • In addition to the financial Award, the Centre will work with Award winners to develop a program of in-kind support and engagement in 2022. This may include communications support, opportunities to engage in the research and educational activities of the Centre, residency/internships at the Centre, inclusion in the Centre’s pluralism education and training initiatives, etc.


Eligible nominees from all countries are eligible, including:

  • Individuals (e.g. artists, journalists, academics, policy-makers, filmmakers, etc.);
  • Civil society organizations (e.g. professional associations, faith-based organizations, labour unions, non-profit research or educational institutions, local community groups, non-governmental organizations, foundations, think tanks, etc.);
  • Social enterprises;
  • Corporations;
  • Educational, research and policy institutions (public or private);
  • Local/municipal, regional or federal/national branches of governments, etc.


  • Nominees must be living. The Award cannot be given posthumously.
  • Nominees must not be an agency or employee of the Centre’s founding partners, namely the Government of Canada and the Aga Khan Development Network.
  • Nominees must not be members of the jury, the Centre’s Board or staff or a consultant receiving remuneration from the Centre at the time of nomination. Close relations and organizations owned or operated by the jury, Screening Committee, the Centre’s Board members and staff are also non-eligible.
  • Individuals and organizations nominated for the Award must not have been found guilty of committing violent crimes, terrorism, or other criminal activities; or have publicly held extremist views
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Submissions are accepted from nominators or from candidates themselves. Consideration by the Jury will not depend on the type of submission.


  • Step 1: The nominator provides basic information about themselves and the candidate. One nominator can nominate multiple candidates.
  • Step 2: The Centre notifies the candidate of their nomination. The candidate completes a “Candidate Form.”
  • Step 3: The candidate is responsible for submitting the completed form before the assigned deadline.
  • Step 4: Both nominator and candidate receive a confirmation email.


  • Step 1: The candidate creates an online profile and completes a “Candidate Form.”
  • Step 2: The candidate is responsible for submitting the completed form by the assigned deadline.
  • Step 3: The candidate receives a confirmation email.

Click here to apply or nominate someone for the award

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