
Goldsmiths University Scholarship 2024/2025 | How to Apply & Requirements

Goldsmiths University Scholarship 2024/2025 in UK Fully Funded… Goldsmiths University Scholarship Online Application Form, Requirements, Eligibility, Interview Questions Sample, and Application Deadline 2024.


Goldsmiths University Scholarship

The Goldsmiths University Scholarship application details have been published here. All Eligible and Interested applicants should apply online for this opportunity before the application deadline-closing date 2024.

International Students who want to undertake their Bachelor’s Degree in UK are encouraged to apply for this opportunity. The scholarship is available for the academic session of 2024.


Goldsmiths University Scholarship Application Details

Are you trying to secure an opportunity to pursue your studies at the country of the United Kingdom? GSK Scholarships 2024/2025 in the United Kingdom is one of the most prestigious scholarships for students who want to become health professionals and are able to pursue their studies in a free environment under the guidance of world-class health professionals at one of the top institutions in Europe. The scholarships offered internationally assist students in developing relevant abilities under the supervision of a career-progressive expert. In the darkest of times, individuals are encouraged to make use of the development and training opportunities in knowledge-driven institution across the globe. The goal of the scholarship is to draw talent-driven students who are from across the African continent and bring them to England. This will make England an intellectual hub. This also allows them to flourish by engaging in a variety of academic pursuits and the cooperation of brilliant students.

The 2024/2025 GSK Scholarships for Students in Europe will aim to bring millions of students to study together in a stimulating atmosphere. The most intelligent students are encouraged to be a part of this scholarship in order to fulfill the main goal of this platform for education. This scholarship will help prepare leaders for the next generation of global health, and also to strengthen the capabilities of health systems along with related work in Africa. It will assist Africa beat the epidemic of disease and malnutrition-related risks by implementing appropriate health-related strategies. This one-year, face-to-face program will help students become well-equipped with tools they need to work in the most efficient possible manner. They are then able to come up with practical solutions to address health problems.

The opportunity to study in the UK with a fully funded grant in 2024 will force students to pursue their field of expertise to further pursue their passions. The scholarship is designed to enhance the knowledge base of health sciences while enhancing the practical skills that will be utilized to manage health issues in today’s world. These abilities can help health professionals succeed in their position of strength on the job. The scholarship program that is fully funded prefers those who show the desire to take part in contributing to improving the health of the public for the benefit of everyone. It allows individuals to come up with new ideas, innovative research experiences and new perspectives when analyzing the crucial issues that are vital to the well-being of society. As a multi-cultural institution, students of all nations are welcome.

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How to Apply For Goldsmiths University Scholarship

Visit the official website of Goldsmiths University Scholarship below for the application form and other information about the Goldsmiths University Scholarship program.


  • London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine


  • United Kingdom


  • Master’s Degree Program


  • 1 year

GSK Scholarships 2024/2025 Benefits:

  • GBP 19,500.00 will be paid to the recipient as an allowance for living that is a tax-free stipend.
  • The tuition fees is covered.
  • All field trips that are required can be covered.
  • Knowledge about health and wellness will be enhanced.

GSK Scholarships 2024/2025 Eligibility Criteria:

To be considered for these scholarships, candidates must meet the following criteria:

  • are nationals of, or residents of, countries located in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • are planning to travel to sub-Saharan Africa after completing the MSc semester at LSHTM and
  • affirm that they wouldn’t normally be in a position to afford the study program they are proposing to pursue by providing a Supplementary Questions Form and
  • You must meet the LSHTM’s minimal English language requirements to meet LSHTM’s minimum English language requirements
  • have a first or higher degree at the first or upper second class equivalent level or
  • have an admission offer in 2024/2025 in one of 19 of London’s intense MSc studies.

Priority is given to applicants who can demonstrate (in their application paperwork) the potential to make significant contributions to public health or health-related study in Africa.

Application Procedure GSK Scholarships 2024/2025 

The application process consists of two steps. In order to be considered for a scholarship, applicants must satisfy the eligibility requirements and complete each step outlined below before the deadline for the scholarship timeframe at 23.59 (GMT) on Wednesday, March 1, 2024…

First step: Submit the application form for 2024/2025, for an MSc course in London that is a part of the study in accordance with the guidelines under the ‘How To Apply page of the appropriate program of study page.

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Second Step. Submit your online application for scholarships by choosing this choice of a scholarship 2024/2025 GSK scholarship to Future Health Leaders from the drop-down menu. The completed Supplementary Question form to be submitted for this scholarship be included in the application. It will be one of the only attachments needed in Step 2. (as applicants must have submitted transcripts, references, CV, etc. in their application for the course of study).

Important Notes for Application

  • The applicants are advised to complete Step 1 early to allow time to allow your GBP 50.00 LSHTM admissions fee processing. Once the payment has been processed, applicants are unable to submit their application to study. We suggest that those who are eligible to this scholarship complete and submit an application for study at a minimum of 1-2 weeks prior to the scholarship deadline to ensure there aren’t any admissions and payment delays that can affect the deadline for scholarships. (Where it is possible, we’d advise applicants to submit their complete application as early as they can before the deadline for scholarship applications as they can in order to ensure timely processing.)
  • Every applicant is required to complete the request to be considered for GSK scholarships to Future Health Leaders for 2024/2025. We, therefore, recommend applicants to carefully review their online submission and attachment prior to submission, since the first application that is submitted will be the one that is considered and there will not be a chance to submit the Supplementary Questions Formula after submission.
  • applicants who have completed a 2024/2025 MSc application to London or have received an offer of admission must submit an application for the award using only the application for scholarship (Step 2. above) and submit the application before the deadline for scholarship submission.
  • Applications that are incomplete are not accepted for this funding. Incomplete applications comprise those incomplete documentation in either or both steps 1 and 2. Both the application for study and the application for a scholarship must be completed before the deadline for scholarship applications. The applicants must ensure that all documentation (including the references) are uploaded to the LSHTM’s Admissions Portal by the scholarship deadline.
  • The scholarships are available to students who wish to apply for all 19 distance studying intensive Masters programs provided at LSHTM (including the joint programs: MSc Global Mental Health; MSc Health Policy, Planning & Financing; MSc One Health; MSc Veterinary Epidemiology). Please note that for the following courses, you will be referred towards the joint provider to submit your application for study, as LSHTM is not able to manage the admissions to these programs: MSc Global Mental Health; MSc One Health: human and Animal Ecosystems; MSc Veterinary Epidemiology.
  • Candidates whose application is accepted will be required to make a payment within 28 days after the announcement of admission being issued. Scholarship applicants applying to LSHTM must contact LSHTM’s Admissions Team to inform them that they’re waiting on the decision on their scholarship (applicants must supply their Admissions team with their name and the title of the award as well as the date they expect to receive the decision in the email). This should be repeated for each application to which the applicant submitted an application. In the Admissions department, they will extend the deposit deadline until they coincides with the deadline for the decision of the scholarship fund.
  • If applicants encounter technical issues when filling out the online application for scholarships must, in the first step, try clearing their caches in their browsers and making sure they’re using the most current version Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Safari. If this is not able to resolve the issue, contact the LSHTM’s IT Services team, providing the complete name of the applicant and the scholarship being applied for as well as the issue that was encountered. Please also attach a screenshot where possible:
  • For any queries about the application process, scholarship requirements, or application deadline, please contact the LSHTM Scholarships team:
  • When applying for this grant, applicants are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions.
  • Please take note that applications will be evaluated and processed following the deadline. Applications that are received prior to the deadline date are considered equally regardless of the date of submission.
  • Decisions will be made and the successful applicants informed on or before the 26th of May 2024.
See also  Future Global Leaders Scholarships 2024/2025 | How to Apply & Requirements

Required Documents for GSK Scholarships of 2024/2025

  • The CV and Resume.
  • Academic Transcripts.
  • Supplementary Question Formula.

How To Apply For Goldsmiths University of London International Scholarships 2024 

  • Deadline: Applications open on 20 February 2024 and close on 24 May 2024 BST.
  • Accommodation: Applicants wishing for Goldsmith’s accommodation must apply separately and indicate their scholarship application.
  • Form: The application form will be available on Goldsmiths’ website from 20 February 2024.




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