
Government To Train And Secure Work 2022 | How to Apply

Government To Train And Secure Work 2022 | How to apply, requirements, eligibility, and application closing date 2022-2023.


Bytes People Solutions, a company in the Bytes Technology Group, wholly owned by JSE-listed Altron, has proved that community-based skills development works. Through its learnership programmes, Bytes People Solutions has trained and secured work for more than three thousand learners. This sound track record has resulted in the company being a preferred partner in a wide spread government ICT training programme which is implemented in partnership with various local and provincial authorities.

Government To Train And Secure Work Application Details 2022

The success of these programmes are based on good public and private partnerships (PPP) where all the parties involved work together to achieve a higher level of skills to benefit our country as a whole,” said Dr Madelise Grobler, Managing Director of Bytes People Solutions.

She said Bytes People Solutions applies the same model to government learnerships as to their corporate clients in the private sector, namely to offer the best possible training solution to fit the client’s business model.


With regards to their government partnerships, Bytes People Solutions seek sound partnerships with relevant Sector Training Authorities (Setas) as well as workplace providers before they embark on the programme. “Once these partners are secured, we set out to equip the young people with IT skills, prepare them for the workplace and then secure employment within the provincial and local government as well as the private sector,” says Dr Grobler.

Since the launch of the programme many learners have graduated in IT training. Soon 31 people will graduate in the Free State where the company partnered with the Office of the Premier of the Free State to provide NQF level 4 technology training for a group of young men and women in Harrysmith.

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Another 30 learners have graduated at the Tshwane through a partnership with the Progressive Women’s Movement of South Africa. This partnership involves the training of some 180 women in entry level ICT in six municipalities in Gauteng. The funding for the programme is provided by the Media, Advertising, Information and Communications Technologies Sector Education and Training Authority (MICT Seta).

Our learnership programme can be described as a type of incubator, with both academic and practical components. The 12-month learnership involves four month academic training and eight months of on-the-job training,” said Dr Grobler.

he said many of the learners have their practical training contracts extended or are offered full-time employment. “I ascribe this success to our strict selection of candidates for the programme as well as the quality of the training that we offer which ensures a “real world” orientation to the learners.”

By Staff writer

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