
Greenside Design Center Postgraduate Diploma (PG DIP) Education in Design

Greenside Design Center Postgraduate Diploma (PG DIP) Education in Design.


Greenside Design Center Postgraduate Diploma (PG DIP) Education in Design

SAQA ID: 110544, NQF8 




The programme aims to address a shortage of skills in the current education system, namely the competencies of educators who carry the responsibility of teaching design but who have insufficient education and training in design, or design thinking.  

The target audience of the programme is existing and future educators of design at FET level. The purpose of the qualification is to develop the knowledge-base and skill set specifically of educators who teach the subject of Design at Grades 10, 11 and 12. 

The programme also serves to promote the subject of design in the South African basic education system. Design is frequently misunderstood by laypeople resulting in a failure to recognise its economic value and socio-political impact and influence.  To recognise the value of design thinking skills in general education, as well as its application in the teaching of other subjects. The proposed programme supports this drive by demonstrating the value of design to broader populations, and upskilling those who teach it.  


–   Keeping in line with the requirements for educator training,  

–   The purpose of the programme is to introduce design as a subject to educators.  

–   The qualification will focus on developing a knowledge base for educators who are currently teaching Design in Grades 10 – 12.  

–   The  progamme  makes use of an integrated approach by looking at competencies across design and education. 

See also  Greenside Design Center Higher Certificate Overview

–   Graduates are able to effectively teach Design.  

–   The programme aims more specifically to address the complexities of design acknowledging its theoretical and practical processes and outputs; acknowledging its role in socio-political contexts; acknowledgin is  transdiciplinary  and  multidiscinplanry  nature; and importantly the problem-solving, critical, analytical, self-reflective and creative thinking skills involved in design. It is offered on a part-time basis to accommodate teachers who are employed.  


– Postgraduate Diploma in Education in Design – Teacher in Design Thinking   

  SAQA ID: 110544, NQF8 



–  On completion of the programme, graduates may continue with further study in  Masters level education or design studies. 

–  In horizontal articulation the programme is comparable to Honours Degrees in Education, Art and any other Design Disciplines.   


–  A PGCE or educational qualification on NQF level 7 AND a Degree in a design related field on NQF level 7

–  OR a B Ed degree on NQF level 7


Full Time  120 Credits 

– 1 year full-time  

Part Time  120 Credits 

– 2 years part-time
Study Kit   

Your study kit is included in your fees and will contain:   

Learning material   

Career Options  

Design teachers at secondary level  (Equivalent  to a PGCE )  


All subjects are compulsory and all modules must be passed in order to complete the programme  

See also  Official Greenside Design Center Term Dates 2024/2025
Modules NQF Level Credit allocation
Design projects suitable for Grades 10, 11 and 12

This module aims to introduce students to design thinking and the design process and to use this knowledge to generate design briefs appropriate for the Senior Phase of education and which comprehensively addresses design principles and processes

8 30
Teaching and learning strategies and methodologies for design education

This module provides a critical overview of teaching strategies and methodologies that can be used to engage, help and guide learners interpret and solve design problems. Emphasis is on the practical application of such strategies

8 30
Assessment methodologies and tools for design communication in Transdisciplinary design

This module aims to expose students to assessment theory and practice relevant for assessing design communication. Particular emphasis is given to a Transdisciplinary approach to design.

8 30
Preparing Learners for Design in a Complex World

This module focusses on a critical approach to design as both an artefact of and influence on societal values and practices. Emphasis is paid to teaching theory and practice that engenders a critical socio-political understanding of design. Attention is also paid to issues of sustainability and social responsibility

8 30
Total   120




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