
Hungary Scholarship Programme 2023/2024 Application Details

Hungary Scholarship Programme application form | All Eligible and Interested applicants should apply online for this opportunity before the application deadline-closing date.


The Hungary Scholarship Programme application form, requirements, eligibility, application guidelines, application deadline, how to apply, closing date, and other opportunities links for South Africans is published here on as well as on the official website/application portal.

Hungary Scholarship Programme 2023/2024 for Christian Young People to study in Hungary (Fully Funded)

  • Don’t forget that the Hungary Scholarship Programme application is totally free of charge.
  • Don’t send anyone money for this opportunity.
  • Beware of Fraudsters!!!!
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Details of Hungary Scholarship Programme.

Hungary provides high-quality education in the heart of Europe. Today, there is a growing demand for international students to study in Hungary. Besides the quality of education and degrees recognised throughout Europe and beyond, students are attracted by the affordable living costs with an extremely favourable cost-to-value ratio, a safe and friendly living environment with convenient public transportation, the central location of the country in Europe, and the unspoiled natural beauties combined with a 2000-year-old, rich Hungarian history and several UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Hungary is also among the top countries with the highest number of scientific Nobel Prize Winners per capita, and numerous scientific inventions from Vitamin C to the Rubik’s cube and so on.


The core mission of the Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People is to provide the possibility of studying in Hungary for young Christian students living in the crisis regions of the world and/or being threatened in their country because of their faith. After completing their studies, the scholarship holders will return to help their home community with their gained knowledge, and they will participate in the reconstruction of war-destroyed countries and contribute to the improvement of social situations and preservation of the culture of Christian communities.

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The Programme is managed by the State Secretariat for the Aid of Persecuted Christians and for Hungary Helps Programme and is organized by Tempus Public Foundation.


Eligible Participating Countries, available study levels, preferred study fields
The Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People is based on the cooperation between the State Secretariat for the Aid of Persecuted Christians and for Hungary Helps Programme and Churches that pursue humanitarian activities in crisis regions. A list of churches can be found in Annex 1.

For the 2023/24 academic year, the scholarship is announced for the citizens of the following countries: Egypt, Lebanese Republic, Republic of Iraq, State of Israel, Palestine, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Republic of Kenya, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Republic of Armenia and Nigeria.


 Tuition-free education
o exemption from the payment of tuition fee
 Monthly stipend
o bachelor’s, master’s and one-tier master’s level: monthly amount of HUF
128,520 (cca. EUR 400) contribution to the living expenses in Hungary, for 12
months a year, until the completion of studies
o doctoral-level: the monthly amount of the scholarship is HUF 140,000 (cca EUR 450)
for the first phase of education (4 semesters) and HUF 180,000 (cca EUR 570) for
the second phase (4 semesters) – for 12 months a year, until completion of studies.
 Accommodation
o free dormitory place or a contribution of HUF 40,000 to accommodation costs for
the whole duration of the scholarship period (Please note that if the student does
not live in the dormitory, then the HUF 40 000/month (cca. EUR 125) is only a
contribution to rental costs, and in bigger cities – especially in the capital city – this
the contribution would not cover the full amount of rental costs.)
 Reimbursement of travel costs
o HUF 200,000 /academic year (cca. EUR 640)
 Medical insurance
o health care services according to the relevant Hungarian legislation (Act LXXX of
1997, national health insurance card) and supplementary medical insurance for up
to HUF 65,000 (cca. EUR 205) a year/person

See also  Jacobs University Scholarships 2023 | Application Process

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the Hungary Scholarship Programme 2023/2024

However, if you have any feelings regarding the Hungary Scholarship ProgrammePlease kindly drop A COMMENT below and we will respond to it as soon as possible.

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