
International Academy of Reflexology and Meridian Therapy Contact Details

International Academy of Reflexology and Meridian Therapy Contact Details: Location, Email, Tel, Alumni, Campus Address, Website, Ranking, FAQs, Google Map, Review, Funding, Banking Details, Phone Number, Postal Address, Opening Days, and Hours.


Are you looking for the contact address of the International Academy of Reflexology and Meridian Therapy? This post provides a direct link for Undergraduate, Postgraduate, MBA, Diploma, Certificate, Degree, Masters, P.hD. programs students and staff to access and get in touch with the International Academy of Reflexology and Meridian Therapy management.

What You Need to Know About the International Academy of Reflexology and Meridian Therapy.

The International Academy of Reflexology & Meridian Therapy (IARAMT) was established in South Africa by Inge Dougans in 1983. On the 21 October, 2013, IARAMT proudly celebrated its 30th anniversary, three decades of existence.

After Reflexology helped with her infertility, Inge studied and qualified as a Reflexologist in Copenhagen, Denmark in April 1981. By October that year, she immigrated to South Africa and opened a private Reflexology practice. She began teaching in 1983 and established what was to become the first international academy of Reflexology, incorporating Chinese Meridian theories and philosophies. Incorporating these theories and philosophies, and uniting Western and Eastern insight into the Meridians and the Five Elements, has given IARAMT a high reputation worldwide for its unique approach. Inge was the founding member of the South African Reflexology Society and has also served for 10 years on the Professional Board for the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa for Therapeutic Reflexology. She is a world-renowned author of numerous books on Reflexology and has been a guest speaker at many congresses around the world.

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Today, the Academy has become a family business with Inge’s oldest son, Daniel, managing the operations and her youngest son, Thomas, in charge of IT and Development.

We aim to deliver a high standard of training and development in the field of Reflexology and Meridian Therapy. All lecturers are highly qualified and experienced therapists in their specialized fields, ensuring that an outstanding level of tutoring is well-maintained. With the latest technology developments and our new Virtual Learning Environment, never before has the training been as advanced and flexible as it is today.

IARAMT strives to make Reflexology a health promoting and preventative therapy, available to as many persons as possible, so that people of all ages and backgrounds can benefit from this cost-effective therapy. In doing this, IARAMT can assist in improving the health of the people of South Africa and in other parts of the world.

Our Vision & Mission Statement

The International Academy of Reflexology & Meridian Therapy is committed to:

  • Providing an accredited qualification as per the requirements of the Act and Regulations governing the profession of Reflexology in South Africa, allowing students to apply for registration with the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa, albeit student registration whilst studying and full registration as a qualified therapist once graduated;
  • Providing highly qualified, competent lecturers as well as comprehensive, quality learning materials;
  • Providing quality education facilities at all sites of delivery;
  • Providing quality learning and a state-of-the-art Distance E-Learning platform;
  • Providing the student with a high standard of knowledge and practical skills to become a competent health professional within an exemplary and professional code of conduct;
  • Encouraging the qualified graduate to continuously contribute to the development in the field of Reflexology & Meridian Therapy using data gathering, case study documentation and research;
  • Encouraging the qualified graduate to contribute to society using community work;
  • Promoting Reflexology and Meridian Therapy as preventative health therapies, making it available to people of all ages and all backgrounds, and in so doing contribute to their overall improved health and well-being
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See Also: International Academy of Reflexology and Meridian Therapy Prospectus

International Academy of Reflexology and Meridian Therapy Contact Details.

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