
KCL Harilela Scholarship 2024-2025 Application Dates

KCL Harilela Scholarship 2024-2025… How to apply, application form, vacancy requirements, eligibility, available positions, qualifications needed, application guidelines, and recruitment application closing date.


About Kings College London

King’s College London (informally King’s or KCL) is a public research university located in London, United Kingdom, and a founding constituent college of the Federal University of London. King’s was founded in 1829 by King George IV and the Duke of Wellington and received its royal charter in the same year. In 1836, King’s became one of the two founding colleges of the University of London. In the late 20th century, it grew through a series of mergers, including with Queen Elizabeth College and Chelsea College of Science and Technology (in 1985), the Institute of Psychiatry (in 1997), the United Medical and Dental Schools of Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals and the Florence Nightingale School of Nursing and Midwifery (in 1998).

Details about KCL Harilela Scholarship

Subject areas:

Business Management, Economics & Management, International Management

Funding type:

Study costs. Bursary.



Hong Kong. China.

The Harilela Scholarship have been established by Aron Harilela, a generous donor and friend of King’s College London.

Award details

The Harilela Scholarship have been established by Aron Harilela, a generous donor and friend of King’s College London.

The Harilela Scholarship aims to support Hong Kong residents planning to study for a three year undergraduate programme in the King’s Business School. The Scholarship will be awarded based on financial circumstances, a personal statement and academic excellence.

To find out more about the Scholarship scheme, please visit the Student Funding webpages.

See also  UMF - Lawrence Alan Spiegel Remembrance Scholarship 2024/2025

Award value

The value of each award is £120,000 (£40,000 per year, for up to three years).

Eligibility criteria

Eligible applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • undertaking an eligible* full-time undergraduate taught programme at King’s
  • resident in Hong Kong or China;
  • undertaking a course listed above;
  • have provided written personal and supporting statements, and evidence of financial hardship;
  • willing to provide an end of year report and a letter of thanks to the donor.

Please note that periods of interruption or repetition will not be covered by the scholarship, and transferring to a different programme of study or withdrawing will result in the scholarship being cancelled with immediate effect.


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