Lyceum College Graduation Ceremony 2025/2026 | The Lyceum College list of graduands, convocation fees, gown collection fees, time and venue for 2025 has been released – How to Check Graduation Status online.
This is to inform the general public that the management of Lyceum College has announced the official graduation date, gown collection date, fees, programs of the event as well as the list of graduands for the Lyceum College graduation ceremony 2025.
Graduands are expected to verify and confirm their names before proceeding to registration and paying their graduation fee.
Graduands will be issued with graduation gowns at their respective Dean’s Offices on the week of graduation. All graduation regalia must be returned in time and those returned after the deadline shall attract a penalty fee.
RELATED: Lyceum College Contact Details: Website, Email, Location & Phone Numbers
Lyceum College Graduation Ceremony 2025.
The Lyceum College Graduation List has been successfully uploaded online, to check your graduation status, date, time, and venue; kindly visit the official school website:
SouthAfricaPortal Team congratulates all the successful graduands that made it out of Lyceum College.
However, if you have any queries regarding the Lyceum College Graduation Ceremony 2025, Please kindly DROP A COMMENT below and we will respond to it as soon as possible.
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