
NSC Exams 2024: How to Rechecked or Get Your Matric Exam Paper Remarked

National Senior Certificate (NSC) Exams 2024-2025… How to Recheck or Get Your Matric Exam Paper Remark.


A re-mark means that your examination will be marked for a second time and a re-check of your scripts is a further check to ensure that all questions are duly marked and that all marks are correctly calculated.

You can apply for a recheck or remark if: 

  • You think your marks don’t add up
  • You think you answered all the questions correctly
  • You feel your mark doesn’t reflect your performance

A recheck ensures that all questions are marked and the marks are calculated correctly. A remark means your entire answer sheet will be marked again. A remark costs more than a recheck because it requires both marking the answer sheet and calculating the marks.


You can also apply to rewrite certain exams if you didn’t pass your NSC exams. To register for a rewrite, you’ll need: A copy of your ID and Your Matric certificate or statement of results.

You may apply for a re-mark or re-check of your NSC scripts, if you feel unhappy with your results.

You will have to apply for a re-mark or re-check at your school or district office in your province. Re-marks cost R112 and re-checks cost R27.

Please note that there is no guarantee that your mark will improve by much, however, it is worth a try.

Viewing exam papers may only be done after the re-mark or re-check. You will have 7 days to view your paper before the deadline closes and it will cost R219.

To recheck or remark your National Senior Certificate (NSC) exam paper, you can use the online service provided by the Department of Basic Education (DBE): 

  1. Go to the e-Gov portal at
  2. Create a personal account or log in to your existing account
  3. Click the education icon, which looks like a graduation cap
  4. Select the Basic Education Option
  5. Select Re-Mark/Recheck
  6. Fill out the required fields and accept the terms and conditions
See also  MANCOSA Exams Instruction 2025/2026 | Papers | Result

Further instructions will be available to you on the reverse side of the Statement of Results.

If you would still like to improve your marks, you could always rewrite your exam papers so that you could attend the higher education institution of your dreams.

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