
Moja Love calls for aspiring actors in open audition search

Moja Love Audition | calls for aspiring actors in an open search.

Moja Love is on a search for new acting talent and castings are underway as we speak.


The channel wants actors for upcoming productions and the auditions are happening online.

They haven’t specified which productions they’re casting for but they’re clearly for scripted shows because the focus is on acting.

Audition venue


Castings are happening via Moja Love’s Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts:

Twitter: @MojaLoveTv

Facebook: @MojaLoveTV

Instagram: mojalovetv

How to audition

You need to film a clip of yourself acting and submit it via one of Moja Love’s social media accounts with this hashtag: #Icanact

You also need to include the hashtag #Mojalove157 so it’s clear that you’re referring to the channel.

Start the video by introducing yourself.

They haven’t specified how long or short your clip needs to be, but we would advise that you don’t make it too long nor too short.

Just the right amount of time to show off your skills.

They also haven’t specified what scenes you need to act, so be creative. Create and perform a clip that showcases your ability to act.

Good luck!


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