
Contact Details of Netcare Education Eastern Cape Campus

Netcare Education Eastern Cape Campus Contact Details.


Here is the contact information of Netcare Education Eastern Cape Campus, Address, Email, Campus Location, Alumni, Website, Fax, Tel, Ranking, FAQs, Google Map, Banking Details, Phone Number, Postal Codes, Opening Days, and Hour as obtained from the official website/campus.

Netcare Education Eastern Cape Campus Online Application Portal, Netcare Education Eastern Cape Campus Intake Form, Netcare Education Eastern Cape Campus Admission Entry Requirements, Netcare Education Eastern Cape Campus Fees Structure, Netcare Education Eastern Cape Campus Programs Duration, Netcare Education Eastern Cape Campus Website, Netcare Education Eastern Cape Campus Contacts, Address, Location and more are accessible at the official website.

Netcare Education is dedicated to developing the clinical knowledge and skills of nursing and healthcare-related professionals.Netcare Education has four other Campuses throughout the country namely Kwazul Natal Campus, Western Cape Campus, Gauteng North East Campus and Gauteng South West Campus.” If you are looking for a dynamic, exciting and fast-paced working environment in a career where YOU can make a difference to peoples’ lives….THINK NURSING!

Netcare programmes will provide the practical acumen and relevant theory of nursing and healthcare in the chosen field of specialisation, thereby equipping individuals to operate with confidenceenc as respected members of the healthcare team. Along with enormous intellectual and emotional growth, students will benefitt from many more avenues of opportunity through which to realize their individual potential.


All programmes offerred are driven by the vision to be the education, training and development provider of choice for the healthcare industry. Through collaboration, innovation and academic excellence in education our students will be intellectually capable and skilled healthcare providers who are able to proudly offer the best evidence-based practice and care to their patients.

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Netcare Education Eastern Cape Campus Contact Details

NOTE: At the time of compiling the contact details of Netcare Education Eastern Cape Campus along with their location, and phone numbers, this article is subject to change at any time, so we give no guarantee that the details below are error-free, Thus, SouthAfricaPortal is not responsible for any errors or omissions contained in this article and accepts no responsibility or liability.

Official Netcare Education Eastern Cape Campus Contact Info

Eastern Cape Campus
Physical Address:
Second Ave,
Pamela Arcade
Newton Park
Port Elizabeth
Tel: +27 41 363 2138


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