
Port Elizabeth TVET College Admission Requirements 2025/2026

Port Elizabeth TVET College Admission Requirements 2025/2026 for NCV, NATED, Diploma, and Certificate programs.


In this post, we have publish the minimum entry requirements and how to apply online for Port Elizabeth TVET College programs 2025. Just stay focus and read through.

After knowing that your program of study is among the List of Courses offered at Port Elizabeth TVET College, It’s advisable to check out the basic the admission entry requirements for that course.

Port Elizabeth TVET College Admission Entry Requirements 2025

All students will be required to write the competency tests.


Information Communication and Technology (ICT)
Mathematics is compulsory. Learners who do not have Mathematics at school will not be considered.

Engineering programs
Mathematics is compulsory. Learners, who had Mathematical Literacy at school and achieved an 80% result, will be considered. Students with Grade 12 (passed or failed), or equivalent are the preferred applicants. Where students have passed Grade 9, Grade 10 and Grade 11 they may be considered subject to the results of a competency test. In Engineering, students who do not pass the competency test will be referred to the extended program.

Safety in Society

  • No criminal record
  • Not younger than 17 years
  • South African Citizen
  • No visible tattoos

Being noted that the minimum requirement proposed by the Department of Higher Education for admission is Grade 11.

The admission requirements for other learners (non-NC (V))

  • Vertical (Upward movement) articulation requirements must be met on the NQF structure
  • Qualification specific requirements must be met e.g. SETA requirements

All students will be required to submit the following

  • A certificate of Good Conduct, from their previous institutions of learning or place of work
  • A certified copy of last school report original must be presented on application
  • 8 certified copies of ID (where a student is 16 years or older) original must be presented on application
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Parents or guardians must accompany the applicant in order to verify the correctness of personal details being given, in the case where students are a minor or where the parent or guardian is providing the financial support. Students will be selected according to their potential ability based on their highest qualifications and other relevant factors) to successfully complete the course. The College Council reserves the right to determine this potential.

Students who transfer from another TVET College must submit the following

  • Reason for transfer
  • A letter to confirm that they have been de-registered at the previous institution
  • A Certified copy of Identity Document
  • A report of their academic history on a College letterhead, including Internal Continuous Assessment (ICASS) and Integrated Summative Assessment (ISAT) results
  • The student’s Portfolios of Evidence for all subjects from the previous institution, if transferring during an academic year
  • A Certificate of Good Conduct, from their previous institution of learning

Competency Tests – NCV
The purpose of the competency test is to ensure that the student is placed in a program best suited to his/her ability. A competency test must be completed by the student to determine his/her proficiency in English as it is the medium of instruction in the College. Competency tests are prescribed by the National Department of Education and Training as a requirement for admission and it is imperative that these be conducted in the best interests of students and the College.

Competency tests are also completed in the following subjects

  • Mathematics
  • Mathematical Literacy
  • Vocational subjects, in specialized fields

Students who are not successful in the competency test will be directed towards other study options

See also  Port Elizabeth TVET College Requirements For 2025/2026 Online Application

Port Elizabeth TVET College Online Application Form 2025

By signing the application form, the applicant (and his parents/guardian where applicable) undertakes to comply with the rules and regulations of the College and to pay the prescribed fees. Applications for admission are subject to selection.

Correct parent/guardian details must be provided and verified at the time of registration. After immediate verification, if falsified information is given on the application form, the application will be cancelled and the student/parent/guardian will be held liable for any costs incurred. If a student fails to comply with the above, the College Council reserves the right to cancel such registration.

Registration and Tuition Fees
Students will not be admitted to the College unless fees as prescribed have been paid in full or the necessary arrangements made.

Registration Date
Student registration will take place in accordance with the registration dates as contained in the College calendar.

Cancellation of Registration and Refund of Fees
A student may cancel registration within the first 10 days of the commencement of classes. After this date, the student will be held liable for all outstanding class fees. No refunding of class fees will be considered 10 days after commencement of classes, except in cases of serious illness and/or death.

80% Attendance

  • Port Elizabeth College will apply the 80 % attendance rule, in order to ensure that better academic results and greater discipline is attained in the class room.
  • The consequence of this is that students, who do not attend classes for 80% of class time upon registration, will not be allowed entry into the examinations.
  • This will be reconciled with the respective student’s marks to establish whether they qualify academically.
  • Where bursary allocations are less than the demand, the student’s attendance record of the previous year, will be taken into consideration for a Bursary.
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N/B: During application, An inaccurate or incomplete application form will hold up the processing of your application. Please note that if you provide any false information your application will be rejected immediately.

If you want your application to be processed faster;

Make Sure:

You must have a valid email address. Please create an email address, if you don’t have one. We will correspond and reply to your email address during the application process.

During the application process you will be requested to upload copies of your documents like:
• A certified copy of your ID
• Proof of Residence etc.

Foreign students:

• Certified copies of passport
• SAQA approved foreign qualification
• Proof of medical insurance or cover
• Valid study permit

The Port Elizabeth TVET College 2025 applications is open for NCV, NATED, Diploma, Certificate and other programs offered at the college.

  • You can apply online by visiting Port Elizabeth TVET College Online Application Portal. Applicants can also visit the school to book an online application session (if any).
  • You can use either your smartphone, tablet or computer to apply online via the student i-Enabler, using your PIN and student number to log on.

Disclaimer: All reasonable steps have been taken to ensure that the information contained on the website is accurate at the date it was published. The Port Elizabeth TVET College reserves the right to make changes to the program application details (e.g. rules, dates, admissions requirements) as published on this website. Prospective students are advised to consult the admissions department prior to applying.

Thanks for reading.



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