
Port Elizabeth TVET College Student Deregistration Process

Port Elizabeth TVET College Student Deregistration.


Induction for parents and students will be held at the beginning of the academic year where they will be informed of the College rules. Parents meetings will be held on a quarterly basis.

Quarterly reports will be sent to parents/guardians/sponsors indicating the following

  • Academic progress
  • Attendance
  • Outstanding class fees

Where specific student needs and problems are identified, students should be referred to resources and professional services that can assist them (e.g. referral to Student Support Services; Supplemental Instruction (SI); Student Counselling, Financial Aid).


Contact will be made by the Learner Affairs Support Officers (LASO’s)/Counsellor to ensure communication with the parents or guardians is established, where a student has a poor attendance/academic record. The risk of de-registration will be indicated in correspondence and in meetings with these parents.

The responsibility is to maintain contact with the support service that they have been referred to and to participate in the various developments and support activities that could assist them to succeed academically.

A student who has made unsatisfactory progress during the year of registration may have to be deregistered from the Database System, for the following reasons.

  • A poor attendance record (less than 80 %, per subject from when the student is registered) after reasonable intervention with the parent/guardian. A student will be allowed to appeal to the Appeals Committee if he/she has valid reason
  • The student has not generated a valid Internal Continuous Assessment (ICASS) mark for the current academic year
  • The student has not generated a valid Integrated Summative Assessment (ISAT) mark for the current academic year
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A valid ICASS mark is as follows

  • Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy minimum of 30%
  • English First Additional Language minimum 40%
  • Vocational subjects minimum 50 %

A valid ISAT mark is as follows

  • Vocational subjects minimum 50 %

Students will also be de-registered from the Database System for the following reasons:

  • The parent/liable party cancels registration, in writing
  • The student is transferred to another education institution

Students who have been de-registered will still be held liable for the full and final settlement of outstanding class fees.

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