Rhodes University Courses | This is the current list of courses, faculties, departments, programmes offered at Rhodes University.
All candidates seeking for admission to study in this notable institution (Rhodes University) should check the list of available Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Masters, Certificate, Diploma, Degree, Distance Learning programmes offered at Rhodes University that has gained the Council on Higher Education accreditation before applying.
Rhodes University Courses pdf, Faculties, Departments, Admission Requirements, Prospectus, Handbook, Brochure, Online Application Form, Application / Registration Dates, Curriculum, Term Dates, Application Status Tracker, Calendar, Open Day, Fees Structure are published here on southafricaportal.com has obtained from the official Rhodes University website.
List of Rhodes University Faculties
Rhodes University has a total of six (6) faculties.
- Commerce
- Education
- Humanities
- Law
- Pharmacy
- Science
List of Rhodes University Courses / Departments
- Accounting
- Afrikaans and Netherlandic Studies
- African Languages
- Anthropology
- Biochemistry, Microbiology
- Biotechnology Innovation Centre
- Botany
- Business School
- Centre for Higher Education Research, Teaching and Learning
- Chemistry
- Chinese
- Classical Studies
- Computer Science
- Drama
- Economics and Economics History
- Education
- English Language and Linguistics
- Environmental Science
- Extended Studies Unit
- Fine Art
- French
- Geography
- Geology
- German
- History
- Human Kinetics and Ergonomics
- Ichthyology and Fisheries Science
- Information Systems
- Journalism & Media Studies
- Law
- Literary Studies in English
- Management
- Mathematics (Pure and Applied)
- Modern Fiction
- Music & Musicology
- Pharmacy
- Philosophy
- Physics and Electronics
- Political and International Studies
- Psychology
- School of Languages
- Sociology
- Statistics
- Zoology and Entomology
For more information and inquiries, please navigate to the Rhodes University portal. All details are available on the institution’s official website.
- Visit the official school website for more details: https://www.ru.ac.za/
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