South African Nursing Council SANC APC Registration 2023, SANC Annual Fee Payment Procedures 2023.
The South African Nursing Council (SANC) Annual Practising Certificate (APC) is a document (issued on payment of an annual fee) to nursing and midwifery practitioners and it entitles the person to whom it has been issued to practise in the capacities shown and for the period stated: provided that the person is not subsequently removed from the register of practitioners.
SANC Annual Practising Certificate APC Registration 2023
Every registration certificate issued by the Council is proof that the person to whom it is issued is registered in the capacity indicated on the certificate for a period of 12 months from the date on the certificate. Thereafter, the practitioner must pay an annual fee and be issued an Annual Practising Certificate in order to continue to practise in that capacity. The APC then serves as proof of registration for all qualifications appearing thereon.
This is a provision of Section 36(2) of the Nursing Act, 2005 which reads as follows:
“(2) A certificate of registration is proof of registration for a period of one year after its date and thereafter an annual practising certificate, issued upon payment of the prescribed annual fee and the submission of such information as may be required by the Council to keep accurate statistics on human resources in nursing, is proof of registration in the absence of any credible evidence to the contrary.”
Employers (particularly the HR departments) should take careful note of the preceeding paragraph and its implications. There is some confusion in the field about this point, so it is necessary to emphasise the fact that during the valid period of the registration certificate (12 months), it is quite incorrect for employers to insist on the nurse paying the annual fee and getting an APC that reflects the new registered capacity. Even worse, it is not correct for an employer to insist that an employee “update” an APC which has already been issued to the employer. If this “updating issue” is a bit confusing, lets demonstrate by means of an example:
An employee is registered as General Nurse and paid the annual fee for 2012 in December 2011 in order to remain on the register as such. Her APC correctly shows her to be a General Nurse. In May 2012, she completes the one year Midwifery Programme and is registered as Midwife. Some time later she will receive her registration certificate showing that she is now registered as Midwife (from 31 May 2012). Her APC is proof that she is registered as General Nurse for 2012. Her registration certificate is proof that she is registered as Midwife for the period 31 May 2012 to 31 May 2013. Obviously, when she pays the annual fee for 2013 (must be paid by 31 December 2012), both qualifications will be reflected on the new APC so she will be covered for the calendar year 2013.
Even if an employer were to insist that Council re-issue the APC, it would make no difference because, on the date on which the APC was issued (December 2011) this person was only registered as General Nurse – so that is all that will be reflected on a replacement APC.
Who Must Pay the SANC Annual Fee?
Persons currently practising in the Republic of South Africa:
Every person registered with the Council who wishes to continue practising his/her profession in the Republic of South Africa for the following year must pay the annual fee before or on the due date in the year concerned.
Persons wishing to be restored to the register:
Every persons wishing to be restored to the register in order to practise his/her profession in the Republic of South Africa, must pay the annual fee for the year in which he/she intends to resume practising together with the application for restoration. In this case, an Annual Practising Certificate will only be issued if the application for restoration is approved. If not, the fees will be refunded to the applicant.
Note 1: The annual fee may also be paid by persons who are currently NOT practising – but this is not compulsory. Council recommends that if you wish to be removed from the register, you submit an application form for Voluntary Removal (obtainable from Council) as this will make it less expensive to be restored at a later date.
Note 2: If your employment is in Nursing Administration or Nursing Education, you are required to maintain your registration with the Council.
Note 3: If it is a condition of your employment that you are registered with the Nursing Council , and you are considering allowing your name to be removed from the register, please check your conditions of employment/service very carefully before doing so – to avoid problems with your employer.
When Must the Annual Fee be Paid?
The due date for payment of annual fees is normally 31 December of the year preceding the year for which the fees are due.
Early birds can pay the fee from 1 July of the year preceding the year for which it is due – no earlier.
Please be advised that these dates may change in future. This page will be updated as soon as possible if and when it ever happens.
Note 1: It is the responsibility of every registered or enrolled person to make sure that his/her annual fee reaches Council by the due date.
Note 2: If your remittance is sent by post, please allow sufficient time for it to reach Council by the due date.
WARNING: If you wish to pay at the Council offices during December, please be WARNED that you should pay early in the month to avoid dissappointment due to any year end closing of the Council offices. You are also WARNED that queues can sometimes be very long at that time. Council RECOMMENDS that you consider paying your fee into the bank to avoid any problems/inconvenience.
How much are the Annual fees for 2023
18 June 2021
The annual fees for the calendar year 2023 for different categories of practitioners are provided in the table below:
Registered Nurses and Midwives | R700.00 |
Enrolled Nurses and Midwives | R418.00 |
Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries | R293.00 |
The Council has resolved to introduce reduced fees for nurses 60 years of age and over as per the table below:
1.2.1. 60 TO 64 YEARS OF AGE ON 1 JANUARY 2023 (25% REDUCTION)
Registered Nurses and Midwives | R525.00 |
Enrolled Nurses and Midwives | R314.00 |
Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries | R220.00 |
Registered Nurses and Midwives | R350.00 |
Enrolled Nurses and Midwives | R209.00 |
Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries | R157.00 |
NB: To qualify for the discount amounts, practitioners may be required to submit a certified copy of their identity document in order to confirm their age.
The annual fees for 2021 must be received by the SANC on or before 31 December 2021.
The amounts in the tables above all include 15% VAT.
The restoration fees for different categories applicable from 1 January 2023 are shown in the following table.
Registered Nurses and Midwives | R2 100.00 | R146.00 |
Enrolled Nurses and Midwives | R1 254.00 | R146.00 |
Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries | R878.00 | R146.00 |
Retired Nurses | R146.00 | R146.00 |
The reduced restoration fee only applies to a practitioner:
- Who must have been removed from the register at his/her own request; or
- Who must be 60 years of age or older on 1 January 2023. However, this must be confirmed with the Council before paying the reduced amount.
A Nurse Practitioner who no longer wishes to practise in South Africa or who is unemployed, may request, in writing, a voluntary removal of his/her name from the register, by completing the form available from the SANC. If a voluntary removal is granted by the SANC, the nurse practitioner’s name will be removed accordingly on the 31 December of the year in which the application is received. Once removed, the nurse practitioner will no longer be required to pay annual fees while he/she is removed from the register.
If the nurse practitioner requires reinstatement onto the register, he/she will, in addition to paying the reduced restoration fee, be required to complete a Restoration Form. It must be noted that practising while not being registered is illegal.
Please note that for the calendar year 2023, the closing date for the payment of annual fees is 31 December 2021. Payments must reach the SANC bank account on or before the closing date. You are, therefore, urged not to leave payment for the last minute to avoid problems associated with making payments at year end. Remember: Bank transfers from non-FNB banks may take up to 3 working days and you are therefore advised to pay well in advance to meet 31 December 2021 deadline.
Please note that other fees and fees payable by institutions will be applicable with effect from 01 January 2023.
How can the Annual Fee be paid?
A reminder is usually sent out to each registered person towards the end of each year. The reminder gives full details of how to pay the annual fee for the following year. The reminder also contains a convenient First National Bank deposit slip that has some of the persons details already filled in.
Council recommends that you pay the annual fee using the First National Bank deposit slip. For most people, it will be the most convenient way of paying the fee.
WARNING: Do not pay at the bank if your personal details or postal address must be changed – the system is so quick that your Annual Practising Certificate will be issued showing the old details or postal address.
If you have received a reminder, carefully follow the instructions printed on it and also read the important notes section. This will ensure that your payment is processed without undue delay.
The information in the following sections will assist you if you do not receive a reminder.
Important Notes when Paying the Annual Fee
Please take note of the following important points to avoid delays in the processing of payments:
- DO indicate your Council reference number, payment type code ‘ANLFEES’ and full names when making payments to the Council.
- DO pay the correct amount depending on your category – not more or less – unless you have been requested to pay only part of the amount by the Council.
- DO make sure that all electronic or other payments are made into the South African Nursing Council bank account.
- DO keep your bank deposit slip in case of queries.
- DO NOT fax or post your proof of payment to the Council – unless you are requested to do so.
- DO NOT pay at the bank if your personal details or address must be changed – in this case, post your remittance to Council.
Paying the Annual Fee at any First National Bank
This is the recommended way of paying the annual fee.
- Fill in and sign an Account Deposit Slip. Use the Council’s bank details shown below.
- Write your Council reference number (8-digit number starting with a ‘1’) in the Reference block on the form followed immediately (no space) by the annual fees payment code ‘ANLFEES‘.
- Hand both copies of the deposit slip plus your payment (cash) to the teller. You do not need the exact amount – the teller will give you change if necessary.
- Keep your copy of the deposit slip safe in case of queries.
- Allow 4 weeks for your Annual Practising Certificate to reach you by post.
Council Bank Details: |
Bank Name: | First National Bank |
Branch Name: | Corporate Core Banking – Pretoria |
Branch Code: | 253145 |
Account Name: | S A Nursing Council No 2 Account |
Account Number: | 514 211 86 193 |
Paying the Annual Fee by Debit Order
Regrettably, South African Nursing Council has stopped making use of Debit Orders as a method of paying the Annual Fee. The reasons for this is that very few nurses were making use of the facility and it was therefore very expensive to run. In addition, because the debit orders were only taken off bank accounts once each year, there was a particularly high rate of rejected debit orders – with the associated difficulty in resolving the payment with the nurse before his/her name was removed from the register.
Paying the Annual Fee by Post
Use this method if you need to change your personal details, postal address, etc.
- Post your payment (bank guaranteed cheque) to the Council together with a short note indicating who the payment is from.
- You should at least indicate your Council reference number and full names. Also indicate your identity number if possible and a telephone number where you can be contacted in case of queries.
- You can also download remittance advice from this website that will make sure that you do not leave out any important information.
™ (remittance advice in PDF format)
- Allow 6 weeks for your Annual Practising Certificate to reach you by post.
- Please DO NOT send cash through the post. Council will not accept any responsibility for cash which goes missing in the postal system.
- Please do not send payment by Postal Orders. Council no longer accepts payments by means of Postal Orders.
Paying the Annual Fee at the Council Offices
WARNING: Use this method only if you need your Annual Practising Certificate in a great hurry as the queues can sometimes be very long!
- Hand your old Annual Practising Certificate (or other document bearing your Council reference number) or your identity document together with your payment (bank guaranteed cheque or credit card) to the cashier.
- If your registration is up-to-date, your Annual Practising Certificate will be handed to you immediately.
- Please note that Council will NOT ACCEPT CASH as a method of payment at the counter. You will be asked to pay the cash into FNB (First National Bank) instead.
Paying the Annual Fee Electronically
You are welcome to pay by Internet/telephone banking, etc. Be warned that payment must be received in the Council bank account before or on the due date and Council will NOT consider any relaxation of this requirement. In this regard, please take note of the rules of your banking institution regarding the effective date on which payment will be made to the beneficiary (SA Nursing Council). (You have agreed to these rules in your undertaking with your banking institution.)
- Use the Council banking details shown below.
- You must ensure that the Council can positively identify who the payment is from. Make sure that the details that will be printed in the Council’s bank statement contain your 8-digit Council reference number followed immediately by the annual fees payment type code “ANLFEES“. Check that this information is correct! It is not necessary to add any other information such as “Ref.”, “SANC”, etc. – this sometimes hides the important information because some of the banks cut off information that is too long. Companies are warned that their banking systems often only print the company name (by default) in Council’s bank statement and Council received no other information to identify the nurse for whom the payment is made. The following example is given to show the format required. You should substitute your own details where necessary. Example:
- Allow 4 weeks for your annual receipt and licence to practise to reach you by post.
- Council staff cannot help you with queries regarding your bank’s electronic systems – please refer your queries to your bank. (Standard Bank Internet banking clients – please see the notes in the following section).
Council Bank Details: |
Bank Name: | First National Bank |
Branch Name: | Corporate Core Banking – Pretoria |
Branch Code: | 253145 |
Account Name: | S A Nursing Council No 2 Account |
Account Number: | 514 211 86 193 |
Can I be sure that Council will allocate my electronic payment correctly?
Council processes all payments into the No. 2 Account electronically and has already processed well over 1,94 million payment in this way. Statistics show that the system allocates payments automatically to the correct person 99,5% of the time. The remaining 0,5% have to be allocated manually. Follow the above instructions carefully and help us make it 100% !!! (Statistics as at 2014-07-31.)
Standard Bank Internet Banking Clients – Please Note
Many Standard Bank Internet banking clients have problems paying the Council electronically. Follow the instructions below and it should be easy. These instructions have been adapted from the instructions on the Standard Bank website to specifically cater for payments to the Nursing Council. (Please follow the instructions on the bank’s website for payments to any other beneficiary.)
First define S A Nursing Council as a beneficiary.
- Go into internet banking.
- Click on Payments.
- Click on Add new Company beneficiary button.
- Enter the one time password sent to your cellphone or e-mail address.
- Choose the company from the list.
- The screen will allows you to search by Company Name.
- Type ‘S’ (space) ‘A’ in the Company Name field and click on Search. (This is where most clients have difficulty – you must type capital letter ‘S’ followed by one space and the capital letter ‘A’ – if you type anything else or even leave out the space you will not see S A Nursing Council listed. As an alternative you can try typing a single ‘S’ which will also work, but the list will be much longer.)
- Select ‘S A NURSING COUNCIL’ from the drop-down list and click on Select.
- The company number for the Council (42280051885) will be filled in by the system. (This is a number used by Standard Bank to refer to the Council bank account – it is not our bank account number and you should not be worried that it is different from the Council bank account number.)
- Enter something like ‘SANC FEES’ in the My reference section – this information will appear on YOUR bank statement.
- Enter your Council reference number in the Beneficiary reference section – this information will be printed on the COUNCIL bank statement and is very important for the correct allocation of your payment! (Your Council reference number is the 8-digit number starting with a ‘1’ that is always printed on all correspondence from the Council. Check this number very carefully. Standard Bank’s system will not allow you to type anything else besides your Council reference number in the Beneficiary reference section – not even your name.)
- Click on Continue.
- Check the details on the confirmation screen.
- If you are satisfied that everything is correct, click on Confirm.
- S A Nursing Council will now be set up as a beneficiary on your account.
Now you can make payments to Council at any time using the beneficiary you have just set up. Proceed as you would do for any other account payment.
Tips for Persons Wishing to Pay the Annual Fee from Outside the Republic of South Africa
It is very expensive to transfer money from one country to another. The banks on both the sending end and the receiving end will charge fees and this can amount to more than the required payment!
Please refer to Note 4 above, in the section “How much are the annual fees?“, with regard to additional amounts that may have to be paid by practitioners paying in foreign currency.
Council therefore recommends the following alternatives:
- If possible, get a friend or family member in South Africa to pay the fee on your behalf – and pay them back when you return to South Africa.
- Pay the fee electronically out of your South African bank account using Internet banking.
NB: If you do make arrangements to pay your annual fees in South Africa, you will NOT have to pay the Foreign Bank Fees shown on your annual fee reminder.
If you cannot make either of the above arrangements to pay your annual fees in South Africa, please establish from your bank what charges will be levied at both ends and transfer sufficient funds to cover the charges and the fees you are paying. This will eliminate unnecessary correspondence and delays.
You will also need to provide your bank with the following details about the Nursing Council’s bank to ensure that your payment is transferred correctly:
Name of Bank | FNB (First National Bank) |
Address of Bank | 206 Church Street Pretoria 0002 Republic of South Africa |
Swift Code | FIRNZAJJ926 |
Please write your SANC reference number on your receipt for the transfer and fax a copy to the Nursing Council so that we can allocate the foreign payment to the correct person. This is an important step that should not be omitted. The SWIFT system seldom transmits any usable reference information with the payments.
Note: The Annual Practising Certificate will be posted to the postal address in the register. If you have changed you postal address to an address in a foreign country, please allow sufficient time for your Annual Practising Certificate to reach you by mail.
Further Information
What does an Annual Practising Certificate look like?
The Annual Practising Certificate is issued on a pre-printed document bearing the Council logo, name, contact details and the title ‘Annual Practising Certificate’. Full personal particulars of the person concerned and a list of the categories in which the person is entitled to practise are printed on the document by computer. Registered additional qualifications (if any) and listed short courses certificates (if any) are also printed.
To aid in correct identification of the person, the Council reference number and full names of the person to whom the Annual Practising Certificate is issued are always printed on the document. If known, the South African identity number is also printed.
The Annual Practising Certificate is ALWAYS printed by computer and will NEVER contain any changes or alterations of any kind.
The Annual Practising Certificate forms vary in colour and layout from year to year.
Does the Council Issue Duplicates?
The Council does NOT issue duplicate Annual Practising Certificates on request. This is a security measure to ensure that an Annual Practising Certificate is not used fraudulently.
Council staff sometimes print a duplicate to replace a document that (for example) has not printed correctly. Any such document will be endorsed with the word ‘DUPLICATE’. Unfortunately, this endorsement is an internal control measure and does not mean that duplicates are available on request.
A person who has lost his/her Annual Practising Certificate can apply for a confirmation letter – see the following section.
What is a Confirmation Letter?
The Council issues (on request) a letter confirming that a registered person has paid the annual fee. The letter gives full details of the Annual Practising Certificate including the categories in which the person is registered to practice.
A persons who has lost his/her Annual Practising Certificate can apply for a confirmation letter. The Council will charge a prescribed fee for the issue of these letters.
Learners who must pay the Annual Fee
A learner who is registered as an Enrolled Nurse or an Enrolled Nursing Auxiliary and who has been admitted to an upgrading course must continue to pay the annual fee applicable to his/her existing registration if he/she has, on the basis of the existing registration, been:
- admitted to the upgrading course;
- exempted from part of the upgrading course, or
- exempted from one or more of the examinations of the upgrading course.
Who Qualifies for an Extension to pay the Annual Fee?
If for some or other reason, a new registration is processed very late (about 12 months late), a reminder to pay the annual fee for the following year may be sent to the person concerned together with their registration documents. If it is clear to the Council that the person concerned will not be able to respond to the request for payment before the due date because of insufficient time, then that person will be given an extension to pay the annual fee.
The extension date (by which the annual fee must be paid) will be communicated to the person by letter which is usually included with the registration documents.
Extensions are granted exclusively according to administrative policy.
SANC Annual Fee Remittance Advice Form
Download Annual fee remittance advice