
SANDF Bursary 2023/2024 Application Details

SANDF Bursary 2023/2024… How to apply for the South African National Defence Force Bursaries program, online application form, requirements, and application closing date 2023/2024.


Are you a student looking for Companies that offered Bursaries in South Africa 2023? The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) invites an application from suitably and qualifies students for their bursary program 2023/2024.

Every day, Students are pondering the net about:

  • How to Apply for Bursary 2023
  • Companies offering Bursaries in South Africa
  • Who Qualifies for a Bursary in South Africa
  • How Do I Get Bursary?
  • How Does Bursary Work?

If you are successfully enrolled with a University you can apply for a bursary.


Let’s dive into the full information about the South African National Defence Force bursaries and application details in 2023.

bursary is a monetary award made by any educational institution or funding authority to individuals or groups. It is usually awarded to enable a student to attend school, university, or college when they might not be able to, otherwise. Some awards are aimed at encouraging specific groups or individuals into the study.

SANDF Bursary Progam 2023/2024 Application Details

SANDF  stands for the South Afican National Defence Force and consists of the SA army, SA Navy, SA Air Force and the SAMHS. Each year they have an Education Trust bursar for students who are eligible to apply for this bursary.

You are eligible to apply for the SANDF bursary if you are/were dependent on a former SANDF member who died or has become severely injured. This bursary is on a year to year base and each year you have to apply again also if you already had this bursary the former year.

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This is a year to year bursary. This Bursar is intended for Primary and Secondary school learners and Tertiary learners. This Bursary is not intended for pre-school attendance, they have a separate fund for that which you can check out. The board of the Education trust will decide what the minimum and maximum amounts are for the Bursary each year. This amount may also vary each year.

Requirements for the SANDF Bursary

This Bursary is not ment for everyone. You can only apply if you fulfill the following requirements:

  • You have to be a Dependent on a SANDF veteran who got severely injured or got killed on duty with an active duty after 1994 27 april.
  • You have to be dependent on a Civilian member of the department of defence whilst they were serving during a SANDF operation, who got severely injured or killed on duty after 1994-27 april
  • The same accounts if you are a dependent of a Civilian of the Republic of South Africa who got severely injured or killed during an operation of SANDF taking into account that they were not fighting SANDF. (also after 27 april 1994)
  • The education trust will take your income into account if you really need this bursary
  • You will need a good academic record to prove you are dedicated to study.
  • A minimum score of 22 on your APS for tertiary first year students
  • Senior students (second year and on) need to have passed 60% of the modules they were enrolled in.

How to Apply For SANDF Bursaries?

You can download the SANDf bursary forms from the SANDF website. You have to file all the questions they ask and send the required documents with your application.

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Things to send with the application:

  • A Certified copy of your ID or Birth certificate. If your ID is not available you can send your birth certificate but you don’t need to send both.
  • Certified copies of the ID’s or Birth certificates of your other household members
  • Matric certificate if you are a first year student
  • Matric certificate accompanied with your Academic grades (tertiary students)
  • You will need a proof of registration of the tertiary institution where you are listed to study.
  • You will need a quote of this institution with all the academic fees of this institution.
  • Proof of income from your household. Proof of all types of income need to be send with the application of all household members. If they are unemployed or pensioned you also need to send proof of that.
  • If one of the household members is receiving a Government Pension/Child grant, you will need to send bank statement copies of the last 3 months

Where to send your application?

You can either send the application by email of send it to their postal address.


Postal Address: Board of Trustees, SANDF Education Trust Private Bag X161 Pretoria, 0001

For Enquiries:  Col M.E. Van Wyk Tel 012-355 5107 or Fax 012-355 5882

Closing Date of the SANDF Bursary

Make sure to send your applications in on time. This Bursary closes every year at 15 October

You can also see if you are eligible to apply for the SA Military Bursary.

Make sure to read every detail of your Bursary contract. Not every company offers the same rewards and some companies will ask you to work for them as long as you have held the bursary.

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However, if you have queries regarding the SANDF bursary application 2023, Please kindly DROP A COMMENT below and we will respond to it as soon as possible.






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