
SMU Banking Details & Tuition Fees Structure 2025/2026

Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University, SMU Banking Details 2025/2026… Approved SMU Tuition Fees Structure 2025/2026 for Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Master’s, Diploma, and Certificate programs students.


SMU Banking Details

This is to inform all the students of the Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU) that the management of the institution has released and published the approved fees payable by all students of this great citadel of learning for the 2025/2026 academic session.

SMU Banking Details include account number, account name, branch, and branch code as well as the official Sefako Makgatho Health University fees structure.


Details of Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU) fees, accommodation fees, bursaries, loans, tuition fees schedule, fees booklet pdf download, examination fees, residential fees, fees statement, quotation fees, finance booklet, student fees, payment procedures, funding, banking details, and other fees charged for the academic year.

Learn what payment methods are available for paying student fees and access SMU banking details below.

Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU) Tuition Fees Structure  2025/2026

Please understand that at the time of publishing this information, the official Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU) fees structure is subject to change without our prior notice.

Tuition and Accommodation Fees
All fees are subject to annual increase COURSE TUITION ADMIN FEE SRC LEVY TOTAL
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (ECP)
MBChB ECP I 39,029 1,569 820 41,418
MBChB ECP II 36,891 1,569 820 39,280
MBChB ECP III 52,873 1,569 820 55,262
MBChB ECP IV 56,651 1,569 820 59,040
MBChB ECP V 66,013 1,569 820 68,402
MBChB ECP VI 74,693 1,569 820 77,082
MBChB ECP VII 77,180 1,569 820 79,569
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Main stream)
MBChB I 36,891 1,569 820 39,280
MBChB II 52,873 1,569 820 55,262
MBChB III 56,651 1,569 820 59,040
MBChB IV 66,013 1,569 820 68,402
MBChB V 74,693 1,569 820 77,082
MBChB VI 77,180 1,569 820 79,569
Bachelor of Diagnostic Radiography
B Rad (Diagn) I 36,890 1,569 820 39,279
B Rad (Diagn) II 39,027 1,569 820 41,416
B Rad (Diagn) III 37,766 1,569 820 40,155
Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy
BSc Physio I 44,572 1,569 820 46,961
BSc Physio II 47,169 1,569 820 49,558
BSc Physio III 47,347 1,569 820 49,736
BSc Physio IV 55,455 1,569 820 57,844
Bachelor of Science in Dietetics
BSc Diet I 43,426 1,569 820 45,815
BSc Diet II 45,453 1,569 820 47,842
BSc Diet III 48,321 1,569 820 50,710
BSc Diet IV 55,648 1,569 820 58,037
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
BSc Mathematical Science I 37,770 1,569 820 40,159
BSc Mathematical Science II 37,770 1,569 820 40,159
BSc Mathematical Science III 40,286 1,569 820 42,675
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (Extended programme)
BSc Mathematical Science I (ECP) 33,993 1,569 820 36,382
BSc Mathematical Science II (ECP) 37,770 1,569 820 40,159
BSc Mathematical Science III (ECP) 37,770 1,569 820 40,159
BSc Mathematical Science IV (ECP) 40,288 1,569 820 42,677
Bachelor of Science-Occupational & Enviromental Health
BSc Occ & Enviro Health I 37,770 1,569 820 40,159
BSc Occ & Enviro Health II 37,770 1,569 820 40,159
BSc Occ & Enviro Health III 40,284 1,569 820 42,673
Bachelor of Science-Physical Science
BSc Physical Science I 37,770 1,569 820 40,159
BSc Physical Science II 37,774 1,569 820 40,163
BSc Physical Science III 40,286 1,569 820 42,675
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All fees are subject to annual increase COURSE TUITION ADMIN FEE SRC LEVY TOTAL
Bachelor of Science-Physical Science(Extended programme)
BSc Physical Science I (ECP) 33,993 1,569 820 36,382
BSc Physical Science II (ECP) 37,770 1,569 820 40,159
BSc Physical Science III (ECP) 37,774 1,569 820 40,163
BSc Physical Science IV (ECP) 40,286 1,569 820 42,675
Bachelor of Science-Life Science
BSc Life Sciences I 37,770 1,569 820 40,159
BSc Life Sciences II 50,360 1,569 820 52,749
BSc Life Sciences III 40,284 1,569 820 42,673
Bachelor of Science-Life Science(Extended programme)
BSc Life Sciences I (ECP) 33,993 1,569 820 36,382
BSc Life Sciences II (ECP) 45,324 1,569 820 47,713
BSc Life Sciences III (ECP) 37,770 1,569 820 40,159
BSc Life Sciences IV (ECP) 40,284 1,569 820 42,673
Bachelor of Enviromental MNGT & Toxicology
BSc Environmental Management I 37,770 1,569 820 40,159
BSc Environmental Management II 40,638 1,569 820 43,027
BSc Environmental Management III 37,768 1,569 820 40,157
Bachelor of Science(Biotechnology)
Biotechnology I 37,770 1,569 820 40,159
Biotechnology II 52,874 1,569 820 55,263
Biotechnology III 40,284 1,569 820 42,673
Bachelor of Occupational Therapy
B Occ Ther I 42,056 1,569 820 44,445
B Occ Ther II 40,814 1,569 820 43,203
B Occ Ther III 44,256 1,569 820 46,645
B Occ Ther IV 52,170 1,569 820 54,559
Bachelor of Nursing Science
B Cur I 49,832 1,569 820 52,221
B Cur II 59,474 1,569 820 61,863
B Cur III 62,413 1,569 820 64,802
B Cur IV 62,073 1,569 820 64,462
Bachelor of Nursing Science(Bans)
BANS I 32,287 1,569 820 34,676
BANS II 40,192 1,569 820 42,581
BANS III 40,193 1,569 820 42,582
Bachelor of Nursing Science and Art (BNSA)
BNSA I 49,832 1,569 820 52,221
BNSA II 56,956 1,569 820 59,345
BNSA III 62,413 1,569 820 64,802
BNSA IV 62,073 1,569 820 64,462
Bachelor Degree in Nursing and Midwifery(BNAM01)
BNAM I 60,691 1,569 820 63,080
BNAM II 60,603 1,569 820 62,992
BNAM III 66,489 1,569 820 68,878
BNAM IV 68,244 1,569 820 70,633
See also  Nedbank Branches in Pretoria: Address and Contact Details
All fees are subject to annual increase COURSE TUITION ADMIN FEE SRC LEVY TOTAL
Adv Diploma Occupational Health Nursing 44,935 1,569 820 47,324
Adv Diploma (Community Dentistry) 44,935 1,569 820 47,324
Bachelor of Speech -Language

pathology & Audiology

B Speech-Lang I 45,150 1,569 820 47,539
B Speech-Lang II 47,478 1,569 820 49,867
B Speech-LangIII 45,739 1,569 820 48,128
B Speech-Lang IV 55,648 1,569 820 58,037
Bachelor of Phar-macy
B Pharm I 49,273 1,569 820 51,662
B Pharm II 47,920 1,569 820 50,309
B Pharm III 49,466 1,569 820 51,855
B Pharm IV 55,648 1,569 820 58,037
Bachelor of Dental Surgery
BDS I 41,019 1,569 820 43,408
BDS II 55,695 1,569 820 58,084
BDS III 67,779 1,569 820 70,168
BDS IV 59,199 1,569 820 61,588
BDS V 50,501 1,569 820 52,890
Bachelor of Dental Therapy
B Dent Ther I 35,012 1,569 820 37,401
B Dent Ther II 36,177 1,569 820 38,566
B DentTher III 42,534 1,569 820 44,923
Bachelor of Oral Hygiene
B Oral Hyg I 53,561 1,569 820 55,950
B Oral Hyg II 43,109 1,569 820 45,498
B Oral Hyg III 45,228 1,569 820 47,617
Higher Certificate in Emergency

Medical Care

EMC1 41,053 1,569 820 43,442
Diploma In Emergency

Medical Care

EMC1 35,594 1,569 820 37,983
EMC2 35,591 1,569 820 37,980
REGISTRATION  FEE                                                                           4,500 RESIDENCE FEE
Residence Single Room 22,761
Residence Double Room 17,048
Nurses Home 23,048
South Point Residence 30,768
Drie Lillies 31,322
The Heights 34,612
Tshwane Varsity Lodge 34,612
Sentinel 46,186
Residence Admin Fee 837
All fees are subject to annual increase COURSE TUITION ADMIN FEE SRC LEVY TOTAL
International Student Affiliation Fee (SOCIETY) 1,395
International Levy: SADC,NON-SADC & OTHER COUNTRIES 4,648


  • Students pays the abovementioned fees in the 1st year of study , then pays registration fee only for subsequent yea
  • SADC students pays same fees as South African students Non-SADC pays 2 x South African fees
  • Out of Africa countries pays 3 x South African fees


Sundry fees refers to fees other than tuition fee.

Description Fees
Application fee R200
Application fee-international students R200
SRC levy R820
Academic administration fee R1,569
Residence administration fee R837
International Levy R4,648
International society R1,395
Academic record R110
Change of key Cylinder R441
Change of qualification R386
Duplicate of Degree R441
Re-assessment of Dissertation R1,655
Recognition of module credits per module R536
Re-marking of exam paper R552
Replacement of lost key R88
Replacement of student (ID) card R188
Clinic card R11
Certificate replacement R417
FAX -international R17
FAX -local R7
ID  Photos R22

Sefako Makgatho University (SMU) Banking Details 2025/2026

Account name:
Bank name:
Standard Bank
Account no.:
Branch no.:
Ref no.:
Your ID/ Passport number/ Student number



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