
Details of The River 3 on 1Magic Teasers – April 2020 Episode

In this post, we provide the full details of The River 3 on 1Magic Teasers – April 2020, episode dates, tv channel, time, day and other important information.


Coming up on The River on 1Magic this April 2020:

Wednesday 1 April 2020
Episode 48

A Hero or a Fraud?


Tumi has opened up a can of worms that could end up destroying her marriage. Kedibone discovers something about a family member.

Thursday 2 April 2020
Episode 49

Peace Offerings

Cobra is willing to protect his new friend at all costs. Tumi has a new lease on life, but could there be a new spanner in the works.

Friday 3 April 2020
Episode 50

When Hope Drains Away

Lindiwe enjoys a satisfying victory while Mabutho wages a tense war.

Monday 6 April 2020
Episode 51


The Dikanas get a blast from the past, and Kedibone and Cobra’s fight over Mabutho reaches new heights.

Tuesday 7 April 2020
Episode 52

Smite Her, Lord!

Mabutho checkmates Kedibone and an old relative has a jaw-dropping confession to make.

Wednesday 8 April 2020
Episode 53

What Secrets?

Kedibone brings in help to deal with an enemy, while Lindiwe’s absence is giving a relative peaceless nights.

Thursday 9 April 2020
Episode 54

Lord Have Mercy

Cobra is starting to have second thoughts about his decision, especially as he learns more about his trusted friend.

Friday 10 April 2020
Episode 55


Zolani’s world is undone by the arrival of a mysterious woman. Cobra is tempted to choose a friend over family.

Monday 13 April 2020
Episode 56


Zolani is love-struck but will his family approve of his choices? Paulina takes on Kedibone and Tshabalala to save a family member.

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Tuesday 14 April 2020
Episode 57

Girl Of My Dreams

Kedibone’s efforts to protect Cobra put her own life in danger and the new girl in Zolani’s life stuns even people who know her well.

Wednesday 15 April 2020
Episode 58

These Things Are Delicate

The new girl in Zolani’s life is worming her way into the Dikana circle, while Mabutho finally delivers on his threats.

Thursday 16 April 2020
Episode 59

Sweeter Than Honey

A desperate Mabutho crosses the line as he fights to stay out of jail. The new girl in Zolani’s life seems to be making strides in winning everyone’s favour.

Friday 17 April 2020
Episode 60

How Stupid Can You Be?

The walls close in on Mabutho and Lindiwe walks into the shock of her life.

Monday 20 April 2020
Episode 61

Rat Poison

Kedibone and Mabutho’s behaviour raises suspicions and Beauty worries for her cousin’s safety, as she takes on Lindiwe.

Tuesday 21 April 2020
Episode 62

Chopped & Screwed

Lindiwe finds herself alone in her corner. Dimpho has another case of love at first sight.

Wednesday 22 April 2020
Episode 63

Keep It Professional

Dimpho has a secret, and it’s a cat and mouse game between Emma and Lindiwe.

Thursday 23 April 2020
Episode 64

Paging Dr Fraudster

Lindiwe goes to desperate lengths to dig up dirt on the new enemy. Dimpho finds herself in an awkward situation with the hottest catch in Refilwe.

Friday 24 April 2020
Episode 65


Lindiwe takes things a little too far to expose her enemy. Kedibone is on to Dimpho’s plans for her new boss.

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Monday 27 April 2020
Episode 66

Cat And Mouse 

Lindiwe won’t stop until she’s found dirt on the new intruder and the new guy in Refilwe finds himself in unexpected hot water.

Tuesday 28 April 2020
Episode 67

Auntie Knows Best 

Ntsika drives Dimpho crazy but will she regret not listening to her aunt’s warnings about him?

Wednesday 29 April 2020
Episode 68

Charity Case

Lindiwe comes up with a solution for getting rid of the dark force that’s in her nephew’s life. Dimpho sabotages her own future as Kedibone had feared.

Thursday 30 April 2020
Episode 69

The Amazing Emma

Lindiwe is thrilled to finally meet the real Emma. Ntsika’s surprise for a distressed Dimpho leaves her stunned.

Premiere episodes of The River air on 1Magic from Mondays to Fridays at 20h00.



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