
Toyota Bursary 2022/2023 | How to Apply

Toyota Bursary 2022 | How to apply for Toyota bursary program 2022-2023, application forms, basic requirements, and application closing date 2022.


Are you an Accounting student looking for Accounting Bursaries in South Africa 2022? Toyota invites an application from suitably and qualifies students for their bursary program 2022.

Accountancy means money. No company can thrive without good accountants. Becoming an accountant means studying hard and making ling days. It is not the easiest degree to get a hold on.

If you are successfully enrolled with a University you can apply for an accounting bursary.


Every day, Accounting Students are pondering the net about:

  • How to Apply for Accounting Bursary?
  • Companies offering Bursaries in South Africa for Accounting Students?
  • Who Qualifies for a Bursary in South Africa?
  • How Do You Get Accounting Bursary?
  • How Does Accounting Bursary Work?

Let’s dive into the full information about Toyota bursaries and application details in 2022.

bursary is a monetary award made by any educational institution or funding authority to individuals or groups. It is usually awarded to enable a student to attend school, university, or college when they might not be able to, otherwise. Some awards are aimed at encouraging specific groups or individuals into the study.

Toyota Bursary Progam 2022-2023 – Application Details

Toyota SA Motors Bursary

Toyota South Africa Motors bursary fund has been established in an effort to provide support to its communities, specifically to emerging talent who proudly display commitment and excel academically. We believe that such talent belongs here, with us, at Toyota influencing the future of mobility in Africa and beyond.
Toyota recognizes the value of bridging the gap between tertiary education and the world of work. Our vision is not only to contribute financially but to equip successful candidates with work experience through vacation work and potential exposure to our flagship graduate programme.

Qualifications funded

Accelerate your success by applying for our bursary programme and take the first step towards a promising future. Bursaries will be awarded to students pursuing full-time study in the following fields:


  • Business Mathematics and Informatics
  • Accounting (Non-CA) – degree must include Accounting, Taxation, Auditing and Management Accounting
  • Marketing


  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Mechatronics Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering


  • Computer Science
  • Information Technology
  • Business Science Analytics

Who can apply

Applicants must satisfy the following minimum entry criteria before applying:

  • South African citizen
  • Strong academic and leadership potential
  • Achieved a minimum result of 75% for Mathematics and English in Matric
  • Achieved an overall average above 70% at Tertiary. The matric criteria will be adjusted to a 65% minimum if the tertiary average exceeds 80%
  • Combined household income of R750,000 per annum.

How to apply

  • Applications must be completed on StudyTrust’s online Leaply platform before 31 August to be considered for a bursary for next year.
  • Only applications from South African citizens will be considered.

Closing date

  • Application Season: 01 April to 31 August.
    Extension notice! Due to the effect of  COVID-19, we are affording students the extension to apply for the Toyota South Africa Motors Bursary until 30 September 2020.  
  • Please carefully read the instructions on our Bursary Applications page before beginning your application.

Basic Requirements for Accounting Bursaries

Students who want to apply for an Accountancy Bursary are required to have the following to qualify for a bursary.

  • You have to be a South African citizen with a valid ID Book / ID Card.
  • Provide proof you will need financial assistance.
  • Willingness to learn and a passion for accounting. Followed by outstanding academic records with a high grade in math
See also  SKA South Africa Bursary Application Status 2022/2023 | How to Check

Make sure to read every detail of your Bursary contract. Not every company offers the same rewards and some companies will ask you to work for them as long as you have held the bursary.

Where Can You Study Accounting in South Africa?

Luckily you can study accounting at most Universities in the country.

However, if you have queries regarding the Toyota bursary application 2022, Please kindly DROP A COMMENT below and we will respond to it as soon as possible.



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