Turkey Embassy in South Africa: Location & Contacts

Turkey Embassy in South Africa, location, postal address, e-mail address, website, phone numbers, direction, map, opening days, office hours, head of mission, and consular services.

Turkey Embassy in South Africa

The Turkey Embassy in South Africa has a critical role to play in maintaining the relationship between their country and the host country as well as protecting the interest of their citizens residing in those countries.

List of South Africa Foreign Exchange Banks

Please contact the Turkey Embassy in South Africa directly for inquiries and questions regarding visa regulations and passport requirements. Also, contact the embassy to verify the address and opening hours.

Turkey Embassy in Pretoria

1067 Church Street
P.O. Box 56014
South Africa
Fax: +27-12-342-6052
Email: embassy.pretoria@mfa.gov.tr
Website URL: http://pretoria.emb.mfa.gov.tr

Turkey Consulate in Cape Town

Penrose House
1 Penrose Road
P.O. Box 315
Cape Town
South Africa
Phone: +27-21-788-7069
Fax: +27-21-788-5616
Email: babrius2@mweb.co.za

Interesting Facts About Turkey

  1. Turkey is a country that is located on the continent of Europe
  2. The capital of the Republic of Turkey is Ankara.
  3. They have a population of over 82 million people
  4. The Official language of Turkey is Turkish.
  5. Islam is the major religion practiced in Turkey.
  6. They have a Total GDP of $631 billion.
  7. The currency spent in Turkey is the Turkish lira
  8. A person from the Turkish is known as a Turkish.
  9. The Turkish Republic day is 29th of October.

Our Disclaimer Notice:

At the time of compiling the Turkey Embassy, Delegations, and Trade Missions in South Africa along with their locations, and contact details. Note that this article is subject to change by the respective embassy at any time. Therefore, we give no guarantee that these details are error-free, so, SouthAfricaPortal is not responsible for any errors or omissions contained in this article and accepts no responsibility or liability.


See also  Contact Details of Central African Embassy in Pretoria

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