
Contact Details of UJ Address & Phone Number

UJ Contact Address.


University of Johannesburg UJ Contact Address.

The official Contact Details of University of Johannesburg UJ, Location, Phone Number, Postal Address, History, Alumni, Campus Address, Direction, Website, Fax, Ranking, FAQs, Google Map, Review, Funding, Banking Details, Opening Days, and Hour.

All Information regarding the UJ online application form, courses offered, faculties/programmes, bursaries, prospectus, minimum entry requirements, programs duration, student portal login, vacancies, intake registration instruction, admission letter download pdf, checking of test and exam result, tenders, fees structure, admission login portal are accessible on this website has obtained from the official website.

About University of Johannesburg (UJ)

Vibrant, multicultural and dynamic, the University of Johannesburg (UJ) shares the pace and energy of cosmopolitan Johannesburg, the city whose name it carries. Proudly South African, the university is alive down to its African roots, and well-prepared for its role in actualising the potential that higher education holds for the continent’s development. UJ has transformed into a diverse, inclusive, transformational and collegial institution, with a student population of over 50 000, of which more than 3000 are international students from 80 countries. This makes UJ one of the largest contact universities in South Africa (SA) from the 26 public universities that make up the higher education system.


The vision of the UJ is to be “an international University of choice, anchored in Africa, dynamically shaping the future”. The mission can be described as follows: “inspiring its community to transform and serve humanity through innovation and the collaborative pursuit of knowledge”. These are underpinned by four values, namely: imagination, conversation, regeneration and ethical foundation.

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The six strategic objectives provide a focused means for realising the Vision, Mission and Values of the University as set out above. They further represent a re-working of the original UJ Strategic Thrusts 2020 in the context of a wider positioning of the University as “The Pan-African” Centre for Critical Intellectual Inquiry, with the primary goal of achieving global excellence and stature.

The six strategic objectives are:

  1. Excellence in Research and Innovation.
  2. Excellence in Teaching and Learning.
  3. An International Profile for Global Excellence and Stature.
  4. Enriching Student-Friendly Learning and Living Experience.
  5. Active National and Global Reputation Management, and
  6. Fitness for Global Excellence and Stature (GES).

Recognised as the country’s second strongest brand, UJ offers world-class, internationally recognised academic programmes based on curricula informed by cutting-edge developments in both undergraduate and postgraduate education, and that are designed to prepare students for the world of work and for global citizenship. Our curriculum is increasingly reflective of previously marginalised scholarship that talks to a transformation and decolonisation agenda, with Africa at its core.

The University has 8 Faculties viz., Education, Law, Humanities, Fine Arts, Design and Architecture, Health Sciences, Science,  Engineering and the Built Environment as well as the  College of Business and Economics, housing the newly established Johannesburg Business School. The University has four campuses, namely the Auckland Park Bunting Road Campus; the Auckland Park Kingsway Campus; the Doornfontein Campus; and the Soweto Campus.

University of Johannesburg UJ Contact Details.

If you want to talk to us we would love to hear from you!

Enquiry Type Contact Phone / Fax / Address
Admission enquiries Admission

​​​+27 (0) 11​ 559 4555

Alumni Alumni Enquiries

​+27 (0) 11 559-4555​

General / study related enquiries UJ call centre

​+27 (0) 11 559-4555​

Postal Address UJ Administration

​Un​iversity of Johannesburg​

PO Box 524
Auckland Park
South Africa
Campuses information: Virtual tours (street views), GPS Coordinates, Adresses, Campus & Road maps
Title Street View GPS Coordinates Campus Address
Auckland Park Bunting Road Campus Auckland Park Bunting Road Street View S26 11 25.5 E28 01 09.5

​Bunting Road, Auckland Park​

Auckland Park Kingsway Campus Auckland Park Kingsway Campus Street View S26 10 54.9 E27 59 53.9

​Corner Kingsway and University Road, Auckland Park​

Bunting Road Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture

​Bunting Road, Auckland Park​

Doornfontein Campus Doornfontein Campus Street View S26 11 32.6 E28 03 28.9

​Cnr Siemert & Beit Streets, Doornfontein​

Grasdak / Lapa
Kingsway, Bunting and Doornfontein Campuses
Kingsway, Bunting and Soweto Campuses
Kingsway, Bunting, Doornfontein and Soweto Campuses
School for Tourism and Hospitality

​Bunting Road, Auckland Park​

Soweto Campus Soweto Campus Street View S26 15 34.3 E27 55 26.3

​Old Potch, Road Soweto​

However, if you have any queries regarding the UJ contact details, Please kindly DROP A COMMENT below and we will respond to it as soon as possible.

See also  Contact Details of Tintswalo Sub-Campus

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