
Contact Details of University Kwazulu-Natal (UKZN) Nursing School

University Kwazulu-Natal UKZN School of Nursing Contacts Details.


Here is the contact information of University Kwazulu-Natal (UKZN) Nursing School, Address, Email, Campus Location, Alumni, Website, Fax, Tel, Ranking, FAQs, Google Map, Banking Details, Phone Number, Postal Codes, Opening Days, and Hour as obtained from the official website/campus.

UKZN School of Nursing Online Application Portal, University Kwazulu-Natal (UKZN) Nursing School Intake Form, UKZN School of Nursing Admission Entry Requirements, UKZN School of Nursing Fees Structure, UKZN School of Nursing Programs Duration, University Kwazulu-Natal (UKZN) Nursing School Website, UKZN School of Nursing Contacts, Address, Location and more are accessible at the official website.

The discipline is recognized for its innovative educational programmes, its research activities, its extensive work in Africa, and its international network of scholars. There are five (5) major focus areas of research within the School, viz. HIV/AIDS care; psycho-social rehabilitation; community health promotion; innovative teaching and learning; critical care and trauma management.

UKZN School of Nursing Contact Details

NOTE: At the time of compiling the contact details of UKZN School of Nursing along with their location, and phone numbers, this article is subject to change at any time, so we give no guarantee that the details below are error-free, Thus, SouthAfricaPortal is not responsible for any errors or omissions contained in this article and accepts no responsibility or liability.

Official UKZN School of Nursing Contact Info

Academic Leader

Name Position Contact Number
Dr Sipho Mkhize Academic Leader (031) 260 1641



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