Union Bible Institute Contact Address.
official Contact Details of Union Bible Institute, Location, Email, Tel Phone Number, Postal Address, History, Alumni, Campus Address, Direction, Website, Fax, Ranking, FAQs, Google Maps, Review, Funding, Banking Details, Opening Days, and Hour.
All Information regarding the Union Bible Institute online application form, courses offered, faculties/programs, bursaries, prospectus, minimum entry requirements, program duration, student portal login, vacancies, intake registration instruction, admission letter download pdf, checking of test and exam result, tenders, fees structure, admission login portal are accessible on this website www.southafricaportal.com has obtained from the official website.
If you want to talk to us we would love to hear from you!
+27 33 343 4547 (033 343 4547)
Cell: +27 82 4477 877
Fax 086 443 5077
E-mail: admin@ubi.ac.za
Postal Address:
Union Bible Institute
PO Box 50
Hilton 3245
South Africa
Residential Address:
45 Dennis Shepstone Drive
South Africa
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You are invited to visit the institute.
To get to UBI by car:
1. Take the N3 to the Hilton off-ramp (off-ramp number 94).
2. Turn into Hilton Avenue towards Hilton (M80), (NOT to Hilton College)
3. Continue on Hilton Ave for 8km, past the Quarry Shopping Centre, straight through the intersection; Hilton Ave. becomes Dennis Shepstone Dr.
4. Drive approx. 5 km on Dennis Shepstone Dr.
5. Pass the turnoff to Sweetwaters and Edendale.
6. Look for the “Union Bible Institute” sign on the right, just past a shop and the Holiness Union Church.
If coming by taxi:
- Ask for directions to the taxi rank on the corner of Retief and Berg Streets (Ematsheni)
- Take the Sweetwaters taxi
- Ask them to drop you at “Ebhayibheli”
However, if you have any queries regarding the Union Bible Institute contact details, Please kindly DROP A COMMENT below and we will respond to it as soon as possible.
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