
UNISA Online Exam Instructions: How to Prepare

UNISA Online Exam Instructions > In this post, we are going to talk about the Three (3) basic tips for taking an online assessment.


UNISA Online Exam Instructions

As an open distance learning institution, the University of South Africa (UNISA) believes in going the extra mile for their students, which is why they have created these essential tips to help you out.

Unisa has compiled guidelines for various types of examinations and some other rules and information you might need to prepare for the January/February examinations.


Tips For Taking An Online Assessment

1. Use a strong browser

You are strongly advised to use Google Chrome for the best experience on myExams.

You can use other mainstream browsers, such as Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Safari or Internet Explorer (except Opera Touch) on a laptop or desktop computer. Close all unnecessary applications and processes running on your computer to reduce network interference.

2. Do not open multiple browser windows or tabs

Do not open more than one browser window or tab to your online exam while taking an exam in myExams.

Accessing your exam in multiple browser windows or tabs or being logged into myExams on more than one device (computer and mobile device) at once, could mean that you lose your exam submission answers completely!

3. Avoid using mobile devices

You are strongly advised not to use mobile devices (phone OR tablet) for this type of exam. The myExam system is not designed for mobile devices such as cellphones and tablets.

Navigating between screens is more difficult, so if you have to use a cellphone or tablet for your exam, please ensure that you familiarise yourself with the system.

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NO downloadable examination question paper will be available for this type of exam.

You DO NOT need to download an exam question paper. This examination will be available online and takes place in the Online Assessment Tool.

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