
Contact Details of University of Venda (UNIVEN) Nursing School

University of Venda UNIVEN School of Nursing Contacts Details.


Here is the contact information of University of Venda (UNIVEN) Shool of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing, Address, Email, Campus Location, Alumni, Website, Fax, Tel, Ranking, FAQs, Google Map, Banking Details, Phone Number, Postal Codes, Opening Days, and Hour as obtained from the official website/campus.

UNIVEN School of Nursing Online Application Portal, University of Venda (UNIVEN) Nursing School Intake Form, UNIVEN School of Nursing Admission Entry Requirements, UNIVEN School of Nursing Fees Structure, UNIVEN School of Nursing Programs Duration, University of Venda (UNIVEN) Nursing School Website, UNIVEN School of Nursing Contacts, Address, Location and more are accessible at the official website.

University of Venda Overview

The School of Health Sciences is one of the eight Schools comprising four departments and one centre. The school offers both professional and academic programmes in CESM categories 04, 09 and 18, in diverse disciplines at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Its geographic location is of strategic importance for the training of Health professionals who are proactive and culture sensitive practitioners capable of meeting the health needs of rural communities locally and regionally.


The School of Health Sciences was established in 1986 comprising Department of Nursing and Education and Public Health offering a variety of post-basic nursing programmes namely, Nursing education and nursing administration. The school started growing by introducing other departments as follows:

Advanced Nursing Science in 1998, Nutrition in 2000, and Psychology which has existed for many years under the School of Human and Social Sciences and incorporated into the School in 2002. The Center for Biokinetics, Recreation and Sport Science is an additional unit, established in 2001 and started its programmes in 2002.

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The growing need for education in the country and province, growth in students’ population, and curriculum diversity, support the view to explore and identify the type of health professionals needed to serve in the rural primary health care settings particularly where UNIVEN is situated.

On the fight against shortage of health practitioners including medical and paramedical in the Republic of South Africa (RSA), the school’s vision for the future is the establishment of allied Health medical department to cater for the needs of the rural communities in offering the qualifications that are career focused and in line with the mandate of a comprehensive university.

There is a need for the school to be responsive to the national strategic goals to increase health professionals such as nurses; psychologists; physiotherapists; pharmacy; radiographers; dentists and occupational health therapists etc.

University of Venda UNIVEN School of Nursing Contact Details

NOTE: At the time of compiling the contact details of University of Venda (UNIVEN) Nursing School along with their location, and phone numbers, this article is subject to change at any time, so we give no guarantee that the details below are error-free, Thus, SouthAfricaPortal is not responsible for any errors or omissions contained in this article and accepts no responsibility or liability.

Official University of Venda (UNIVEN) Nursing School Contact Info

Contact the School of Health

Tel: +27 15 962 8510 / 8114


Office: School of Health Sciences
Private Bag x5050

School of Health School Administrator
Name: Mrs Mercy Mabidi
Tel: +27 15 962 8510 / 8114

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Executive Secretary
Name: Ms Barbara Netshiombo
Tel: 015 9628510/8114

For Admission Enquiries information contact:
Mr Seth Ugoda
Chief Admissions Officer: Student Administration
Tel: +2715 962 8882/ 8983/ 8953

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