
How To Access University of Cape Town UCT’s Vula Portal

How To Access University of Cape Town UCT Vula Portal.


Vula is UCT’s official online learning system which allows students access to academic courses, student societies, study and research groups, faculty and departmental groups, as well as assorted projects and initiatives.

To access Vula, click here and select “UCT Login” where you‟ll enter your student number and network password. Your password will be sent to you in your “Application for Admission” letter from University of Cape Town Admissions Office.

If you forget your password, you can do the following:

  • Log into the password self-service: (If you can log in here, you will be able to login to Vula).
  • If you can’t log in to the password self-service, ask your faculty computer lab administrator to check your account and/or reset your password for you.

‘My Workspace’ is the very first tab at the top of the Vula screen and is your own private site where you can manage your profile and preferences, store data, view consolidated calendar and announcement information, and create new sites.

You will find your courses either in the series of tabs at the top of the screen or in the drop-down box called “More Sites” which is only visible when you have access to many sites. You can control which sites appear in your tabs by going to My Workspace | Preferences | Customize tabs.

If your course is not visible, there is a chance that your lecturer may not have created a Vula site for it yet. Feel free to approach your lecturer and enquire if they will be using Vula in their teaching. When the site is created you will automatically have access to it.

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Here is how you can sign up for a UCT?

  • Browse to your course site.
  • In the left menu, click the link named Tutorial Groups or Section Info (naming varies from site to site).
  • View the available groups and then click the “Join” link on the far right alongside the group that you want to sign up for.
  • Note: Group size may be limited. Once a group has reached its maximum size, you won‟t be able to sign up for that group. To see how many spaces are available, look at the “Avail.” column.
  • If you are permitted to switch sections, you can do so by clicking the “Switch” link alongside the group that you want to move to. You will automatically be removed from the first group and added to your new group.
  • If all the groups are full, consult with your lecturer, tutor or departmental administrator, who can either increase the group size or manually add you to a group.

Vula is used by students to upload documents and download resources. Here is how you can upload documents or download resources:

  • Resources are located on the left-side menu of your Vula site.
  • To upload a file, click the “add” option to the right of the folder you wish to add a resource to and follow the instructions on screen.
  • To download a file, right-click on the file you want downloaded and save to a suitable location on your PC

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