
University of Mpumalanga Admission Entrance Requirements 2025/2026

University of Mpumalanga Admission Requirements 2025/2026, UMP courses… The University of Mpumalanga UMP admission entrance requirements for undergraduate, postgraduate, and distant learning courses for 2025/2026 academic year.


The management of the University of Mpumalanga UMP has released the 2025/2026 Intake entry requirements for successful admission into the undergraduate and postgraduate (Degree, Ph.D., Masters, Diploma, Certificate, Short Course, and Non-Degree) programmes.

Interested students may apply to any of the University of Mpumalanga Courses at any time and are admitted subject to fulfilling all UMP admission entry requirements for the 2025/2026 academic year.

University of Mpumalanga UMP Admission Entry Requirements 2025/2026

For more information and inquiries about the University of Mpumalanga admission entry requirements, you can contact the UMP by visiting the institution’s official website or campus;-


Both South Africans and International interested students can apply for the University of Mpumalanga (UMP) Application Form 2025/2026 provided they qualify and meet the entry requirements for the programme for which they have applied.

Note – Once the University of Mpumalanga (UMP) Admission Application Portal is closed, new applications will not be submitted. So register now while the applications are still ongoing.

Steps to Apply Online

Step 1: Click on the student portal link on the UMP website home page.

Step 2: Click on new application.

Step 3: Capture your biographical information and save to generate your reference /student number and pin code to be used to proceed with your application.

Step 4: Put your student number / reference number.

Step 5: Click on applications to proceed with your application.

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Step 6: Click on view application rules and click on “I accept” after reading.

Step 7: Click on “next step” to proceed to the next step.

Step 8: Load your scanned documents, i.e. Certified ID, results and proof of payment (R150). Banking details are on application rules under step no. 1.

Step 9: Click on upload document.

Step 10: Select your scanned document from the source file and click on save. Close the window and click on next step.

Step 11: Click on the grey radio button on the right of each block to select the subect.

Step 12: Click on “next step” to proceed to the next step.

Step 13: Select the school from grey radio button.

Step 14: Complete this form if you were enrolled in another institution, save and click next step.

Step 15: Type in the programme you wish to enrol for and click the search button.

Step 17: Select period of study, e.g. First year. Type academic preference (i.e. 1 = First choice; 2 = Second choice, etc). Click on save and continue to next step.

Step 18: Check if your biographical information was captured correctly and ensure all your documents are loaded on certificate seen, click on save and proceed to the next step.

Step 19: Click on communication type if you want to make changes on your communication details.

Step 20: View the programmes you have applied for.

Step 21: View your application status.

Step 22: View if you have gone through all the processes.

End of online application, outcome for application takes up to 4 to 6 weeks after closing date.

See also  University of Mpumalanga (UMP) Accommodation

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