
Vodacom Learnerships Programme 2025/26 | How to Apply

Vodacom Learnerships Application 2025, How to apply for the Vodacom Learnership programme, requirements, application form pdf download, eligibility, application closing date, selection process, and application acceptance list 2025.


Are you a student looking for Learnerships in South Africa in 2025? The Vodacom invites an application from suitably and qualifies students for their Learnership program 2025. Learn about the process you’ll take to complete the application below.

Learnerships are a great opportunity if you want to learn skills and develop a career. Learnerships for 2025 are opening now and we always have details on the latest available Learnerships for you.

When you register for a Learnership Programme you will receive training towards a full qualification but you don’t have to pay study fees. In fact, when you register for a Learnership you will be paid in the form of a stipend. This means you will be paid monthly while you are on the leadership – the amount you will be paid depends on the academic level of the Learnership.


Vodacom Learnership Programme Application Details

Ready to apply to Vodacom Learnerships? Here on, you get all information regarding the Vodacom leadership application form, how to apply online, requirements, and the application closing date 2025.

Interested applicants can apply for the Vodacom Learnership 2025 provided they qualify and meet the program requirements.

About The Vodacom Learnership Program

Every year Vodacom offers young people from various communities across the nation Vodacom learnership opportunities in line with the government.s National Skills Development Strategy to create skills and employment and ease poverty.

Vodacom is one of the largest cell phone companies in South Africa and is part of the international company, Vodafone. Like its major shareholder, Vodacom believes in harnessing the qualifications and degrees, talents and aspirations of all citizens that are part of our colorful and diverse nation. This belief is harnessed to lead The Vodacom Way, which is the essence of the company culture.

To this end, Vodacom deploys a wide range of development programs, including Vodacom learnerships that consist of both theoretical and practical training according to SAQA Unit Standards.

Vodacom Learnership Requirements

There are certain requirements for being accepted into Vodacom learnerships:

Minimum Requirements

  • You must be a South African citizen
  • Applicants must have a Standard 10/Grade 12 Certificate; or
  • Own a Further Education and Training Certificate NQF (Level 4); or
  • Have successfully completed the National Certificate in Vocational Studies (NQF Level 4)
  • You must have at least a C pass for Mathematics and Science
  • Candidates must have at least a basic knowledge regarding Information Technology, computer engineering, electrical engineering, and computer science.
  • To apply for the Engineering and Operations Learnership you must have the necessary qualifications from a university of technology or electronic engineering academy.
  • You will need a computer science, computer engineering, or information system qualification to apply for the Information Technology Learnership
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Other Requirements

  • You must be between the ages of 21 and 35 years
  • Applicants must not currently be employed
  • You must not currently be busy with any other studies

The Engineering and Information Technology Learnerships

These Vodacom Engineering and Technology learnerships are outcomes-based learning and based on a legally binding contract between the learner, the employer, and the service provider.

The Learnership Programme is for a period of one year (12 months) and consists of:


About 30% of the training will consist of theoretical training which will be conducted in a classroom-type atmosphere.

  • You will be supplied with all training materials
  • You will be expected to compile a Portfolio of Evidence of all your work; this will be submitted for assessment at the end of your learnership

Workplace Training

The remainder of the training will be practical workplace (on-the-job) training.

  • This part of the training will be done at a Vodacom venue specified by the company
  • Learners will receive a monthly stipend during training but are responsible for their own accommodation, meals, and transport

Once both the theoretical (instructional) and practical (workplace) phases have been completed and the Portfolio of Evidence (POE) has been submitted and successfully undergone external verification FET Certificate for the qualification will be issued.

A learnership contract is a legally binding contract and any irregularity or violation of the terms of the agreement will be dealt with under Sections 17 and 18 of the Skills Development Act, 97 of 1998.

Vodacom Learnership Application Process

In order to apply for a Vodacom Learnership, you must complete an application form in your own handwriting.

  • You can download the Application form from the Vodacom website.
  • When applying for the learnership make sure that you specify the learnership post that you are applying for (e.g. Vodacom Engineering and Operations Learnership)
  • Make sure that you sign the application form
  • Attach certified copies of your certificates and Identity Document (these copies must have been certified within the last 3 months – you can get this done at any Police Station)
  • Applications can also be e-mailed to

Please Note:

  • Application forms that are late or unsigned will not be accepted
  • Photocopied forms will not be accepted

Remember that during your workplace training you will be responsible for your own accommodation, transport, and meal costs. It is therefore suggested that you apply for a learnership in the Region or Management Area closest to where you live.

Vodacom Learnership Information

Vodacom also often offers Call Centre learnerships. You can find more information on these learnerships on the Vodacom website.

You can keep checking whether there are any of the above-mentioned learnerships open for applications yet by checking the Vodacom website which you will find by navigating to the careers section to look for learnerships.

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Overview of Learnership Programmes in South Africa

What is a Learnership

A Learnership is a work-based learning programme. This means that classroom studies at a college or training center are combined with practical on-the-job experience. We learn much better when we can practice what we have been taught in the classroom in a workplace environment.

By physically performing tasks that are learned in the classroom at the workplace, we can see what we have learned and what we did not understand. This allows us to ask the trainer to explain that part of the lesson again until we fully understand it.

Learnerships form part of a nationally recognized qualification that is directly linked to an occupation. This means that what you learn on leadership is not just for the particular job that you can get once you have finished the leadership; it also forms part of a higher qualification that you can study further through other Learnership or short courses.

Each leadership has a specific level of qualification. An artisan like a bricklayer or a beautician, for instance, is a Level 4 Qualification. This means that if you want to become an artisan you will have to complete 4 four separate leadership (levels 1, 2, 3 & 4). There is no set time-frame in which you have to do these, as each level qualification remains in the system and will count towards the full qualification.

Who Benefits From Learnerships

In short, everybody!

The Learner:

  • You get access to free learning and better job opportunities
  • Can earn while you learn
  • Learnerships can help you to get into the workplace and/or get a formal qualification

The Employer:

  • Gets skilled, experienced workers who will need less supervision
  • Gets improved productivity
  • Can identify and solve gaps in skills and training
  • Educates and empowers employees, creating a happy workforce

The Industry:

  • Gets access to far more skilled and professional workers
  • Can develop employees to world-class standards
  • Becomes more competitive in the international market

How Do Learnerships Work

In the past, the education given in schools and other education facilities did not really have much in common with the working world. This meant that people entered the workplace with all of the knowledge but none of the practical experience on how to do the job.

Learnerships teach both the why and how to by creating a contract between the learner, the learning provider, and the organization or business. All learnership contracts must be registered with the Sector Education Training Authority (SETA) for that specific industry, which guarantees that the learnership programme is of a high standard.

If accepted into a learnership you will have to sign two legal contracts; a Learnership Agreement and an Employment Contract. The Learnership Agreement tells you exactly what responsibilities you, the training provider and the employer have. The Employment Contract is only for the period of the learnership. Learnerships last between 12 -24 months.

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If you are unemployed, you will receive an allowance while you are on a learnership which is meant to cover costs like travel and food. If you are already employed you will only receive your normal salary.

During the learnership you will spend a certain period of time in a classroom, either at the company or organization or at other premises, and the rest of the time actually working and learning on the job at the company. You must take advantage of the opportunity offered to you to develop your skills, gain experience and grow your potential. form, A learnership is the perfect way to show the trainers and the organization what you know, as it could lead to a permanent job with that company or organization, so take your learnership seriously.

You will be expected to do certain written and practical tasks while on the learnership as part of your studies. Learnerships are outcomes-based, meaning that you will be assessed (tested) on what you have learned through the various stages of the learnership, not only at the end.

You will get an official certificate that will state the qualification, and indicate the area in which you have developed skills during the learnership if you are considered to be competent at the end of it. This qualification is nationally recognized.

Completing a learnership is not a guarantee of employment, but many learners do get employed by companies or organizations where they did their learnerships. Even if that company does not employ you, you stand a much better chance of getting employed with a learnership qualification than without one.

Who Qualifies for a Learnership

Learnerships are designed for all levels and as such is open to anyone between the ages of 16 and 60. This includes the unemployed and the employed, the able-bodied and the disabled.

How Do I Get Access to a Learnership?

Decide in which line you want to study and either speak to your employer or contact your nearest Labour Centre or Provincial Office of the Department of Labour to find out whether there are any learnerships that you can apply for.

Some learnerships have certain conditions, such as only accepting Grade 12 students, those who speak more than one language, or those who have computer skills. Other learnerships do not have any requirements.

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