Vuselela TVET College Contact Address.
Official Contact Details of Vuselela TVET College, Location, Phone Number, Postal Address, History, Alumni, Campus Address, Direction, Website, Fax, Ranking, FAQs, Google Maps, Review, Funding, Banking Details, Opening Days, and Hours.
The Vuselela TVET College is one of the fifty registered and accredited public TVET Colleges in South Africa that operate on around 364 campuses spread across the rural and urban areas of the country.
TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) is education and training which provides knowledge and skills for employment.
All Information regarding the Vuselela TVET College online application form, courses offered, faculties/programs, bursaries, prospectus, minimum entry requirements, programs duration, student portal login, vacancies, intake registration instruction, admission letter download pdf, checking of test and exam result, tenders, fees structure, admission login portal are accessible on this website has obtained from the official website.
About Vuselela TVET College
The College is situated in the North West Province with the Head Office (Corporate Centre) in the CBD of Klerksdorp. The College consists of 5 campuses namely:
- Jouberton Campus
- Klerksdorp Campus
- Matlosana Campus
- Potchefstroom Campus
- Taung Campus
Organization Vision
Vuselela TVET College strives to be a Further Education and Training Institution of excellence in relevant skills and training.
Vuselela TVET College is a force for change, which will promote and support:
- The provision of affordable, flexible, high-quality programs and delivery modes, responsive to the needs of the community, commerce, and industry
- Exceptional service through motivated, committed, and adequately qualified staff
- Participation of all clients
- Prospects for students, employers, community partners, and the College
Vuselela TVET College is committed to:
- Accountability
- Transparency
- Inclusiveness
- Quality
- Redress of educational opportunities
- Accessibility
- Sustainable development
What is a Public TVET College?
Public Further Education and Training (FET) colleges provide high-quality education and training helping you to equip yourself with the qualifications you need to start your career. At Vuselela TVET College you will gain practical and theoretical knowledge to meet the many challenges of the labour market.
By entering into partnerships with various stakeholders and industries, Vuselela TVET College will assist you in acquiring the knowledge and skills enabling you to help alleviate the skills shortage in South Africa.
How will attending Vuselela TVET College benefit me?
As a Vuselela TVET College student, you will gain integrated theoretical and practical experience, exposure to your chosen industry as well as a meaningful qualification as part of an affordable education – to which every South African has a right. This is true not only if you are just starting your career-focused education, but also if you are an adult of any age interested in additional training in the career you are following – or even interested in making a complete career change! Studies at Vuselela TVET College help you to master skills to build your future.
Vuselela TVET College is accredited by the following Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAS):
Quality Management System (QMS)
Vuselela TVET College has one of the best quality management systems in the country. A QMS system ensures the quality of programs, structures, and the overall control of the core business of the College. The College is ISO 9001:2008 accredited.
See Also: Vuselela TVET College Online Application Form
Vuselela TVET College Contact Details.
If you want to talk to us we would love to hear from you!
If you want to talk to us we would love to hear from you!
Campuses of Vuselela TVET College:
- Corporate Centre
- Jouberton Campus
- Klerksdorp Campus
- Matlosana Campus
- Potchefstroom Campus
- Taung Campus
Corporate Centre
8 Bram Fischer Street Klerksdorp 2571 |
018 406 7800 |
018 406 7810 |
11900 5th Street Jouberton 2574 |
Private Bag X7 Freemanville 2573 |
018 465 6341 / 018 465 3133 |
018 465 2037 |
C/o John Orr & Oliver Tambo Street Klerksdorp 2571 |
Private Bag X5013 Klerksdorp 2570 |
018 464 0300 |
018 462 9879 |
Plot 120 OR Tambo Street Klerksdorp |
PO Box 571 Stilfontein 2550 |
018 406 9801 |
018 484 8909 |
C/o Retief & Auret Street Potchefstroom 2520 |
Private Bag X1252 Potchefstroom 2520 |
018 294 4811 |
018 294 7683 |
Physical Address: |
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