
Vaal University of Technology (VUT) Graduation Ceremony 2025/2026 | Full Details

VUT Graduation Ceremony 2025/2026 | Full information about Vaal University of Technology (VUT) graduation 2025, list of graduands, convocation fees, gown/attire collection schedule, time and venue and how to check graduation list online for the 2025 graduation ceremony.


This is to inform the general public that the management of Vaal University of Technology (VUT) has announced the official graduation date, gown collection date, fees, programs of the event as well as the list of graduands for the VUT graduation ceremony 2025 academic year.

About Vaal University of Technology (VUT) Graduation 2025.

Graduation is getting a diploma or academic degree or the ceremony that is sometimes associated with it, in which students become graduates. Before graduation, candidates are referred to as graduands. The date of graduation is often called graduation day.

The graduation ceremony itself is also called commencement, convocation or invocation. Normally, the ceremony and name apply to high school and above (the next ascending levels being Associate’s, Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate)


Students who are eligible to graduate will receive official invitations to their graduation ceremonies containing details of their ceremony, how to get a gown, and how to organise for photographs.

Graduands will be issued with graduation gowns at their respective student’s faculty office on the week of graduation. All graduation regalia must be returned in time and those returned after the deadline shall attract a penalty fee.

RELATED: VUT Contact Details: Website, Email, Location & Phone Numbers

Vaal University of Technology (VUT) Graduation Ceremony 2025:

Students and guests must dress formally. All graduates must wear academic attire.

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What do I need to do to graduate?

Prospective graduates (graduands) are required to complete an application form for graduation to be included in the graduation programme.

Forms are obtained from the Exam office, B110.

Attending the Ceremony

Admission cards for the ceremony must be collected on the day of the ceremony at the venue where gowns will be issued.

These cards must be shown at the hall entrance for admission. Please note that admission to the hall will be on a first-come, first-serve basis as space is limited.

Graduands should report at the right-hand door of the main entrance to the hall, where the admission card will be exchanged for a qualification card with a seat number.

You are requested to be seated 30 minutes before the start of the ceremony. The doors will be closed 15 minutes before the start of the ceremony.

Official photographers will be in attendance during and after the ceremony should you wish to have a photo taken in your academic dress.

NO OTHER PHOTOGRAPHERS WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE HALL. Hiring of academic wear will be done only on the day of the ceremony.

Dress code for the ceremonies is formal or decent Traditional. NO tackies or jeans allowed.

It is strongly recommended that men dress in dark suits and women in a comfortable dress length, with a comfortable shoe heel height, to reflect the solemnity of the occasion.

If you do not attend the ceremony

Students who are not present at the ceremony must pay an in absentia fee of R130.00
Certificates are issued to students after the graduation ceremony.

See also  Contact Details of Vaal University of Technology (VUT) Address & Phone Number

Graduation Guide

1. You must be dressed in your own gown with hood draped over your left arm. A member of the University personnel will signal when you should proceed to the stage.
2. You will hand your qualification card, kept in your right hand, to the Executive Dean of the relevant faculty, who will present you to the audience.
3. Proceed to the Vice-Chancellor, who will be seated in the middle of the stage.

3.1    If you are being awarded a Diploma: Turn and face the Vice-Chancellor for congratulation and handshake.

3.2   If you are being awarded a Degree: Turn to the Vice-Chancellor, kneel on the bench and bend your head towards the Vice- Chancellor.

4. Proceed to the Registrar, who will be standing on the left-hand side of the stage. Turning with your left shoulder, present the hood draped on your left arm to the Registrar and turn to face the audience. You will now be hooded by the Registrar.

The placing of the hood around your neck is official confirmation that your qualification has been conferred. Leave the stage on the left-hand side and receive your certificate in front of the stage.  Proceed to your seat.

VUT Graduation List 2025.

The Vaal University of Technology (VUT) graduation list has been successfully uploaded online, to check your graduation status, date, time, and venue; kindly visit the official school website:

SouthAfricaPortal Team congratulates all the successful graduands that made it out of Vaal University of Technology (VUT).

However, if you have any queries regarding the Vaal University of Technology (VUT) Graduation Ceremony 2025, Please kindly DROP A COMMENT below and we will respond to it as soon as possible.

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