
Walter Sisulu University Contact Details: Website, Email, Location & Phone Numbers

Walter Sisulu University (WSU) Contact Details: Location, Alumni, Campus Address, Website, Ranking, Student Portal Login, Tuition Fees, FAQs, Google Map, Banking Details, Phone Number, Postal Address, Opening Days, and Hour.


Are you looking for the contact address of the Walter Sisulu University (WSU)? This post provides a direct link for Undergraduate, Postgraduate, MBA, Diploma, Certificate, Degree, Masters, P.hD. programs students and staff to access and get in touch with the Walter Sisulu University (WSU) management.

All Information regarding the Walter Sisulu University (WSU) admission application form, courses offered, faculties/programmes, bursaries, prospectus, minimum entry requirements, programs duration, student portal login, vacancies, intake registration instruction, admission letter download pdf, checking of test and exam result, tenders, fees structure, admission login portal are accessible on this website (

See Also: Walter Sisulu University (WSU) Tuition & Fees Structure


What You Need to Know About the Walter Sisulu University (WSU).

Walter Sisulu University is a university of technology and science located in Mthatha, East London, Butterworth and Komani. Eastern Cape, South Africa, which came into existence on 1 July 2005 as a result of a merger between Border Technikon, Eastern Cape Technikon and the University of the Transkei.

WSU focuses on quality academic, technological and career-orientated programmes that provide relevant skills for development in rural and urban areas, placing special emphasis on entrepreneurship.

WSU operates under a divisional governance and management system and has four campuses, each headed by a Campus Rector.

The four campuses with multiple delivery sites are spread across Mthatha, Butterworth, Buffalo City and Komani. Our delivery sites are:

  • Buffalo City: Cambridge Street Site, Buffalo City Stadium Site, Heritage Building Site, College Street Site, Chiselhurst Site, Potsdam Site
  • Butterworth: Ibika Site
  • Mthatha: Nelson Mandela Drive Site, Zamukulungisa Heights Site, Nkululekweni Site
  • Komani: Whittlesea Site and Grey Street Site.
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Walter Sisulu University (WSU) Contact Details.

Campus Location Postal Addresses Telephone Numbers
Mthatha Campus Walter Sisulu University Private Bag X1 UNITRA 5117 Nelson Mandela Drive Tel: 047 502 2844 Fax: 047 502 2211 For admission queries, telephone 047 502 2443/8. Zamukulungisa Heights Tel: 047 537 0001 For admission queries, telephone 047 501 1404.
Campus Location Postal Addresses Telephone Numbers
Butterworth Campus Walter Sisulu University Private Bag X3182 BUTTERWORTH 4960 Butterworth Campus – Ibika N2 Tel: 047 401 6254 Fax: 047 401 6267 For admission queries, telephone 047 401 6000.
Campus Location Postal Addresses Telephone Numbers
Buffalo City Campus Walter Sisulu University PO Box 1421 EAST LONDON 5200 Potsdam Tel: 043 708 5200 Fax: 043 708 5331 For admission queries, telephone 043 708 5200. College Street Tel: 043 702 9200 For admission queries, telephone 043 708 5200. Cambridge Street Tel: 043 702 9200 Chiselhurst Tel: 043 709 4000 For admission queries, telephone 043 709 4000. ABSA Stadium Tel: 043 702 9200 Heritage Building Tel: 043 702 9200
Campus Location Postal Addresses Telephone Numbers
Queenstown Campus Walter Sisulu University PO Box 1421 EAST LONDON 5200 Grey Street Site and Masibulele Site Tel: 040 842 6800 For admission queries, telephone 040 842 6806.

However, if you have queries regarding the Walter Sisulu University (WSU) Contact Details, Please kindly DROP A COMMENT below and we will respond to it as soon as possible.

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2 Comments on “Walter Sisulu University Contact Details: Website, Email, Location & Phone Numbers”

  1. Good morning i have a problem, i graduated in 2019 but now i want to continue with my studies but i don’t remember my password so i can’t apply, and i changed my email i want reset it but i don’t know if is it possible

  2. Morning, I have a problem, I did apply last year online and i got my student number which is 240645456 and the pin is 17035. Now the challenge is I was rejected last year due to the requirement i have chosen so I need to change those courses to the one I’m qualified for but the system did not allow me to do that nor to start the application at stretch. Ca you please advise me what I should do because the courses I need to register is Diploma in Tourism, Marketing and Public management. All my documents has been submitted, but this year I’m doing Business Management with the college to upgrade my points. My Identity Number is 0501150231086

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