
We Think Code Bursary Application Details 2022-2023

We Think Code Bursary 2022 for South Africans | How to apply for We Think Code bursaries program, online application form, requirements, and application closing date 2022-2023.


Are you a student looking for Companies that offered Bursaries in South Africa 2022? We Think Code invites an application from suitably and qualifies students for their bursary program 2022-2022.

Every day, Students are pondering the net about:

  • How to Apply for Bursary 2022
  • Companies offering Bursaries in South Africa
  • Who Qualifies for a Bursary in South Africa
  • How Do I Get Bursary?
  • How Does Bursary Work?

If you are successfully enrolled with a University you can apply for a bursary.


Let’s dive into the full information about We Think Code bursaries and application details in 2022.

bursary is a monetary award made by any educational institution or funding authority to individuals or groups. It is usually awarded to enable a student to attend school, university, or college when they might not be able to, otherwise. Some awards are aimed at encouraging specific groups or individuals into the study.

We Think Code Bursary Progam 2022-2022 Application Details

The WeThinkCode_  Bursary & Bootcamp trains world-class software engineers at its campus in Johannesburg CBD.

The WeThinkCode Bursary is tuition free, sponsored by South Africa’s top companies, including BBD, FNB, Derivco, Dimension Data, Telkom and IQ Business. We deliver the School 42 curriculum, considered today as one of the world’s best software engineering schools.

During two years, you will learn front-end and back-end programming in a peer-to-peer, problem solving learning environment. Our corporate sponsors will offer you a 4-month paid internship after one year and a job once you have successfully completed the course.

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To apply, you don’t need any prior requirements. Only the resilience, passion and problem solving mindset to solve our online logic games.

Do you have what it takes?

What Expenses Are Covered by the WeThinkCode Bursary?

For WeThinkCode_ students this course is 100% free. Your Tuition is paid by Corporate sponsors and you will also get a stipend every month worth of R2000 to cover for transport and food.  In exchange you will complete two (paid) 4 month internships with them during the course of your studies. Upon successful completion of the course, you will be required to work back the value of your sponsorship (typically 1-2 years) with your sponsor.


Anyone between 17 and 35 can apply for the WeThinkCode academy. The campus is in Johannesburg and you will need to attend there. You will also need to be eligible to work and study in South Africa

How To Apply for the WeThinkCode_ Bursary/Bootcamp?

Apply now online at

If you are successful at our tests online, you will be invited to take part in our selection Bootcamp early 2017.

The last step in your application process will be the  4 week Bootcamp which consist of intense problem solving. During this Bootcamp you will need to attend at campus every single day and work at least for 10 hours a day. This also includes the weekends. Solving problems through computer programming you will work together with your fellow students. After this intense bootcamp of 4 weeks, the top applicants who made it through successfully will be invited by WeThinkCode to attend there full time. Yes, the bootcamp is intense and hard work but it is also a lot of fun.

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WeThinkCode_ Bursary/Bootcamp Closing Date

WeThinkCode_ is on a first come first serve basis. Our applications will close when we have filled our selection Bootcamps.

Apply now!

  • contact details of the bursary provider should students have any further queries,

  • any other information that would be useful to students.

WeThinkCode_ is a full time course. The campus is in the Johannesburg CBD. Due to the structure and intensity of the course, you will be required to come to campus everyday. There is no on-campus living.

Make sure to read every detail of your Bursary contract. Not every company offers the same rewards and some companies will ask you to work for them as long as you have held the bursary.

However, if you have queries regarding the We Think Code bursary application 2022, Please kindly DROP A COMMENT below and we will respond to it as soon as possible.



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