Visiting Research Fellowship<\/a>\u00a0to be held at the University of Cambridge.<\/p>\nThe Cambridge Centre of African Studies\u00a0invites applications for a Visiting Research
\nFellowship. The aim of the Fellowship is to enable the fellow to focus on a period of research and writing while based at the Centre in Cambridge.<\/p>\n
The Visiting Fellowship is part of the newly established Philomathia Africa Programme, with funding from the Isaac Newton Trust. Applicants\u2019 research interests should touch on one or more of the broad themes of environment, energy, land, or climate change. Reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of the Philomathia Africa Programme, we welcome candidates with expertise in any field in the social sciences, arts or humanities.<\/p>\n
The applicant should have a PhD submitted at the time of application.
\nPreference will be given to early- to mid-career candidates with an accomplished or highly promising research profile.
\nCandidates must hold a teaching or research position at an African university.
\nThe appointment is four months, with a start date between 1 October 2020 and 15
\nJanuary 2021; it is non-renewable.<\/p>\n
\nThe award is worth up to \u00a312,000, out of which visa, travel, accommodation and maintenance costs will be paid.<\/p>\n
The Centre is not able to provide additional sums for the travel and living expenses of anyone accompanying the Fellow to Cambridge. The sum is not subject to tax in the UK. Fellows will have access, by agreement, to the holdings of Faculty and Departmental libraries, to the library of the Centre of African Studies and to the University Library, which houses the extensive collection of materials relating to the history of the Commonwealth formerly housed in the Royal Commonwealth Society Library in London.<\/p>\n
In order to apply for a Fellowship, you will need to submit an application to the Centre
\nof African Studies, University of Cambridge, by 6 April 2020 and to arrange for your
\nreferences to arrive at the Centre by the same date. The Centre is not able to consider
\napplications that are not complete.
\nThis application package contains the following:
\n\u2022 a copy of the notice of award;
\n\u2022 guidance on the information required in your curriculum vitae;
\n\u2022 guidance on the type of project details required;
\n\u2022 guidance for you to pass to your referees.
\nYour application must include the following:
\n\u2022 your curriculum vitae including details of publications;
\n\u2022 your project details;
\n\u2022 a photocopy of your PhD certificate (if applicable);
\n\u2022 a photocopy of your passport;
\n\u2022 two references to be sent directly by your referees to the<\/p>\n
Director, University of
\nCambridge, Centre of African Studies,
\nAlison Richard Building, 7 West Road,
\nCambridge CB3 9DT, UK. E-mail:\<\/p>\n
Completed applications must be sent either by e-mail or in hard copy to:
\nUniversity of Cambridge
\nCentre of African studies
\n7 West Road
\nCambridge CB3 9DT
\nNo later than 6 April 2020<\/p>\n
For More Information:<\/p>\n
Visit the Official Webpage of the University of Cambridge Centre of African Studies Visiting Research Fellowships 2020\/2021<\/a><\/p>\nHowever, if you have any Feeling regarding the\u00a0Centre of African Studies<\/b><\/strong>,\u00a0<\/strong>Please kindly DROP A COMMENT below and we will respond to it as soon as possible.<\/p>\n\n- Please help others by sharing this post on any social media.<\/strong><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n