{"id":22779,"date":"2020-04-14T06:38:03","date_gmt":"2020-04-14T06:38:03","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/southafricaportal.com\/?p=22779"},"modified":"2020-04-14T06:46:55","modified_gmt":"2020-04-14T06:46:55","slug":"iht-hotel-school-website","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/southafricaportal.com\/iht-hotel-school-website\/","title":{"rendered":"Official IHT Hotel School Website | http:\/\/www.ihthotelschool.com"},"content":{"rendered":"

Main IHT Hotel School Website | All information is accessible here – http:\/\/www.ihthotelschool.com.<\/strong><\/p>\n


This post provides the direct link to access the official IHT Hotel School website,<\/strong> admission form, online application form, tuition, courses offered, faculties\/programmes, application fee, review, funding, bursaries, prospectus, minimum entry requirements, vacancies, programmes duration, intake registration instruction, admission letter download pdf, checking of test and exam result, tenders, fees structure, admission login portal? here is the direct link.<\/p>\n

The IHT Hotel School Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Diploma, Certificate, Degree, MBA, Masters, and P.hD. programs students and staff online portal login has been enabled by the school management.<\/p>\n

RELATED:\u00a0Official CAO Handbook PDF Download<\/a><\/p>\n

About IHT Hotel School<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\n

IHT Hotel School \u2014 Stu\u00addent focused, ser\u00advice driven<\/h4>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

IHT Hotel School is reg\u00adis\u00adtered by the Depart\u00adment of Higher Edu\u00adca\u00adtion and Train\u00ading as a Pri\u00advate Higher Edu\u00adca\u00adtion Insti\u00adtu\u00adtion offer\u00ading ter\u00adtiary edu\u00adca\u00adtion in the field of hos\u00adpi\u00adtal\u00adity. At IHT Hotel School we edu\u00adcate and equip stu\u00addents with the skills that will enable them to become the lead\u00aders in tomorrow\u2019s hos\u00adpi\u00adtal\u00adity sector.<\/p>\n

Know\u00ading that a qual\u00adity aca\u00add\u00ade\u00admic ser\u00advice is the key, a learn\u00ading envi\u00adron\u00adment is cre\u00adated that encour\u00adages stu\u00addents to pur\u00adsue intel\u00adlec\u00adtual and per\u00adsonal growth and which guar\u00adan\u00adtees the cur\u00adrency, rel\u00ade\u00advancy and integrity of the qual\u00adi\u00adfi\u00adca\u00adtions offered.<\/p>\n

Our lec\u00adtur\u00ading staff not only has excel\u00adlent qual\u00adi\u00adfi\u00adca\u00adtions com\u00adbined with lec\u00adtur\u00ading expe\u00adri\u00adence, all have expe\u00adri\u00adence of work\u00ading in the hos\u00adpi\u00adtal\u00adity indus\u00adtry. They are there\u00adfore well equipped to update and enhance learn\u00ading mate\u00adr\u00adial in order for it stay rel\u00ade\u00advant to and cur\u00adrent to trends in the indus\u00adtry. Stu\u00addents receive indi\u00advid\u00adual atten\u00adtion if and when needed because at IHT stu\u00addents are not merely just a num\u00adber, they are man\u00adagers in the making.<\/p>\n

A wide vari\u00adety of inter\u00adac\u00adtive events binds the stu\u00addent and lec\u00adtur\u00ading body together which forms the foun\u00adda\u00adtion of our unique\u00adness. Our Fun Days and Student Outings, together with our annual Student Dance and Fundraising Charitea Events are just some of the highlights on IHT\u2019s calender.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/section>\n


Your road to success<\/span>\u00a0starts here<\/span><\/span><\/h2>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/section>\n

IHT stu\u00addents are highly sought after in the hos\u00adpi\u00adtal\u00adity indus\u00adtry. So much so that 90% of our stu\u00addents have one or more job offers for full\u00adtime employ\u00adment dur\u00ading their final work-\u200bintegrated learn\u00ading ses\u00adsion or by grad\u00adu\u00ada\u00adtion day!<\/p>\n

Career options in hos\u00adpi\u00adtal\u00adity are not lim\u00adited to tra\u00addi\u00adtional hotel and restau\u00adrant busi\u00adnesses. Hos\u00adpi\u00adtal\u00adity grad\u00adu\u00adates are highly val\u00adued in ser\u00advice sec\u00adtors such as tourism, lux\u00adury retail, mar\u00adket\u00ading, finance and tech\u00adnol\u00adogy where cus\u00adtomer loy\u00adalty depends on qual\u00adity ser\u00advice and experience.<\/p>\n

So wher\u00adever you want to take your career \u2013 IHT Hotel School is the place to get you started!<\/p>\n

The inter\u00adna\u00adtional busi\u00adness land\u00adscape is con\u00adstantly chang\u00ading and fas\u00adci\u00adnat\u00ading career oppor\u00adtu\u00adni\u00adties are now open\u00ading up because of the lat\u00adest need aris\u00ading for hos\u00adpi\u00adtal\u00adity exper\u00adtise in other indus\u00adtries and businesses.<\/p>\n

A grow\u00ading num\u00adber of cor\u00adpo\u00adrate busi\u00adnesses rec\u00adog\u00adnize the strate\u00adgic impor\u00adtance of the \u201chos\u00adpi\u00adtal\u00adity ele\u00adment\u201d and are now turn\u00ading to hos\u00adpi\u00adtal\u00adity grad\u00adu\u00adates for a par\u00adtic\u00adu\u00adlar com\u00adbi\u00adna\u00adtion of skills that is hard to find elsewhere!<\/p>\n

Many hotel, travel and event sec\u00adtors con\u00adtact our cam\u00adpus reg\u00adu\u00adlarly to look to recruit stu\u00addents each semes\u00adter for intern\u00adship and employ\u00adment opportunities.<\/p>\n

Hos\u00adpi\u00adtal\u00adity is also one of the world\u2019s fastest grow\u00ading and most dynamic fields of employ\u00adment with pos\u00adi\u00adtive trend fore\u00adcasts for the com\u00ading years. Accord\u00ading to the World Travel & Tourism Coun\u00adcil (WTTC), the indus\u00adtry will account for 1 in 10 jobs on the planet by 2023.<\/p>\n

At IHT we teach all aspects of tra\u00addi\u00adtional and con\u00adtem\u00adpo\u00adrary man\u00adage\u00adment with a broad per\u00adspec\u00adtive that takes into account all the eco\u00adnomic, human, and cul\u00adtural issues involved. We will assist you to develop your pro\u00adfes\u00adsional and per\u00adsonal skills to their max\u00adi\u00admum, ready\u00ading you to enter the cor\u00adpo\u00adrate world or start your own business.<\/p>\n

Dur\u00ading your time at IHT you will acquire essen\u00adtial busi\u00adness skills like com\u00admu\u00adni\u00adca\u00adtion, analy\u00adsis, and entre\u00adpre\u00adneur\u00adship. You will nur\u00adture a hos\u00adpi\u00adtal\u00adity mind-\u200bset and per\u00adfect your soft skills such as atten\u00adtion to detail, self-\u200bimprovement, deter\u00admi\u00adna\u00adtion, respect, and integrity. All of this will max\u00adi\u00admize your employability.<\/p>\n

Feel free to contact us on 021 913 3005 or 076 128 9840 or email\u00a0info@ihthotelschool.com<\/a> if you would like to make an appointment to visit us on campus \u2014 we\u2019d be happy to welcome you!<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/section>\n


Vision Statement<\/h3>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

The vision of IHT Hotel School is to be a major edu\u00adca\u00adtion and train\u00ading provider in hos\u00adpi\u00adtal\u00adity ser\u00advices that ensures access to life\u00adlong learn\u00ading oppor\u00adtu\u00adni\u00adties for all who have a pas\u00adsion for the hos\u00adpi\u00adtal\u00adity and tourism industries.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n


Mis\u00adsion Statement<\/h3>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

The mis\u00adsion of IHT Hotel School is to pro\u00advide qual\u00adity career edu\u00adca\u00adtion to stu\u00addents in a warm, friendly, and pleas\u00adant learn\u00ading envi\u00adron\u00adment that enables them to become exem\u00adplary hos\u00adpi\u00adtal\u00adity lead\u00aders. IHT will there\u00adfore always go the extra mile to meet and exceed the needs of our stu\u00addents to pre\u00adpare them for the hos\u00adpi\u00adtal\u00adity indus\u00adtry where the cus\u00adtomer is always num\u00adber one.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n



The core val\u00adues of IHT Hotel School (Pty) Ltd are \u2026 I \u2013 H \u2013 T \u2013 H \u2013 S<\/p>\n