Pieter-Steph du Toit Biography, Age, Wife, Career & Net Worth<\/span><\/div>\n<\/div>\nNot even years of banishment to Brandfort could silence her. They tried everything\u201a even burning down her house, but she proved why she is regarded as \u201cMother of the Nation\u201d. unwavering\u201a resilient and irrepressible and always at the heart of the struggle.<\/p>\n
Comrades and friend; the monumental life of uNobandla must be a rallying point to continue our struggle for the suffering masses of people in our country and the world; Today\u201a Mam Winnie\u2019s name is echoing in Gaza and other parts of occupied Palestine. Today her life and struggle are being celebrated in Western Sahara. Our struggle is far from over.<\/p>\n
It is no co-incidence that UMangutyana has become an icon and rallying point for our comrades in the EFF. It is our collective duty to stand for the poor\u201a the voiceless\u201a and the landless; South Africa awaits the radical economic transformation that our freedom and new democracy has promised. We shall not rest until the prophetic words of the Freedom Charter and our Constitution is fulfilled: \u201cWe\u201a the People of South Africa\u201a declare for all our country and the world to know: that South Africa belongs to all who live in it\u201a black and white.\u201d<\/p>\n
Comrades and friends; it seems that these words fell on deaf ears this weekend at the DA Congress as the protectors of white privilege continue to place impediments in the course of land transformation and redistribution. Mam Winnie\u2019s life demonstrated that our people will not be moved; our revolution will not be compromised and the land shall return to the people!!<\/p>\n
As we pay tribute here in the Western Cape to the life of Nobandla\u201a an undisputed hero of our struggle and a revolutionary leader in her own right\u201a we also owe it to her legacy to rebuild a strong movement\u201a a strong alliance and a powerful force for serving our people.<\/p>\n
Finally\u201a it is fitting to conclude in this year in which we observe the Nelson Mandela Centennial Celebrations to pay tribute to one who played an important part in Madiba\u2019s life; whose words encouraged and sustained him in the long and dark hours of incarceration; whose rousing voice elevated our spirits in our call to free Mandela Campaign; and at the moment when he walked out of Victor Verster Prison a free man\u201a she stood triumphantly by his side\u201a fist held high.<\/p>\n
A rose has been plucked from our garden of heroes;<\/p>\n
But we shall not abandon the struggle and what you and all our heroes stood for. Your life is the best tribute and speaks for the millions who will attest:<\/p>\n
For I was hungry and you gave Me food;<\/p>\n
I was thirsty and you gave Me drink;<\/p>\n
I was a stranger and you took Me in;<\/p>\n
I was naked and you clothed Me;<\/p>\n
I was sick and you visited Me;<\/p>\n
I was in prison and you came to Me.<\/p>\n
Hamba Kahle Nobandla!!<\/p>\n
Ulale ngoxolo Mangutyana\u201a sakuhlala sikukhumbula!!<\/p>\n
Long live the spirit and legacy of Mam Winnie\u201a long live!!!\u201d<\/p>\n