
Bible Institute of South Africa Contact Details: Email, Location & Phone Numbers

Bible Institute of South Africa Contact Details: Location, Alumni, Campus Address, Website, Ranking, Email, Tel, FAQs, Google Map, Review, Funding, Banking Details, Phone Number, Postal Address, Opening Days, and Hours.


Are you looking for the contact address of the Bible Institute of South Africa? This post provides a direct link for Undergraduate, Postgraduate, MBA, Diploma, Certificate, Degree, Master, and P.hD. programs students and staff to access and get in touch with the Bible Institute of South Africa management.

What You Need to Know About the Bible Institute of South Africa.

The Bible Institute of South Africa was founded in 1923 as an evangelical and interdenominational Bible Training College for men and women

From a humble beginning with a handful of post-World War I students, BISA aimed to equip men and women for Missions and Ministry.  Since then, BISA has had a faithful and consistent record of theological training and instruction.


Students are drawn from, and go out to minister in many different countries in Africa and the wider world. Ministers, Mission Workers, Lecturers, Laymen, and Church Workers can be found in the Middle East, Africa and the Americas, having been trained, using the Bible as their handbook, at BISA.  Likewise, countless Christians have been prepared for effective witness in the secular world.

Our motto is the same today as it was nearly a century ago "To Know Christ and To Make Him Known" [/su-quote]

We are a non-denominational institution and our point of departure in all things is the Bible.  We believe the Bible to be the verbally inspired, infallible, and inerrant Word of God. It is complete in its revelation, final in its content, and absolute in its authority. Teaching God's Word at BISA, we aim to cultivate within our students a desire to obey God and to inspire hearts and minds with His Truth. Students must study the Word of God and learn to handle and communicate it competently.

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Theologically, BISA is an evangelical college committed to the historical, Protestant, evangelical faith. We, therefore, recognize the universal sinfulness and helplessness of mankind, the sufficiency of the substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus Christ for salvation, the justification of the sinner by the grace of God through faith in Christ alone, the necessity of the regenerating and sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit in the believer, and the requirement of the holy life as evidence of salvation.


Our Vision is for the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to be proclaimed in every Church, market place and society.


Who we are

We are a non-denominational, international, theological college committed to the evangelical faith of our confessing protestant reformational heritage.

What we do

We equip Christian men and women in Biblical truth and ministry to fulfill the Great Commission in Africa and throughout the world.

Who we serve

We serve the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Purpose

We serve the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ by equipping Christian men and women with biblical truth and ministry expertise.

We hold to the inspiration, inerrant, and full authority of the Bible.

We emphasize the importance of having a passion for the Kingdom of God, and exemplary Christian character.

We are committed to the development of personal spirituality and practical skills for faithful effective ministry.

We seek to pursue excellence in all aspects of life, in the college and the community to the glory of God.

Our Provision

We offer training for Christian men and women that is:

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Academically and practically integrated.

Accessible to existing and potential Christian leaders.

Appropriate for the students we serve.

Accredited by the RSA Council for Higher Education and ACTEA and recognized by the Church.

Our Passion

Training students who will be relevant witnesses for Christ and serve Him in the urban and rural church, the marketplace, and society.

See Also: Bible Institute of South Africa Tuition & Fees Structure

Bible Institute of South Africa Contact Details.

If you want to talk to us we would love to hear from you!

Address:         180 Main Road, Kalk Bay

                      Cape Town 7975 South Africa

Phone:           +27 21 7884116

Fax:               +27 21 7887289
Office hours:   term:  08:00 to 16:30   |  Vacation:   09:00 to 16:00
Want to email Us? Click here

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