
Contact Details of Church of Scotland Hospital Nursing School

Church of Scotland Hospital Nursing School Contacts Details.


Here is the contact information of Church of Scotland Hospital Nursing School, Address, Email, Campus Location, Alumni, Website, Fax, Tel, Ranking, FAQs, Google Map, Banking Details, Phone Number, Postal Codes, Opening Days, and Hour as obtained from the official website/campus.

Church of Scotland Hospital Nursing School Online Application Portal, Church of Scotland Hospital Nursing School Intake Form, Church of Scotland Hospital Nursing School Admission Entry Requirements, Church of Scotland Hospital Nursing School Fees Structure, Church of Scotland Hospital Nursing School Programs Duration, Church of Scotland Hospital Nursing School Website, Church of Scotland Hospital Nursing School Contacts, Address, Location and more are accessible at the official website.

Church of Scotland Hospital

Church of Scotland Hospital is a district hospital with 347 beds, situated in uMsinga sub-district, between Greytown and Dundee under the supervision of uMzinyathi Health district. The district has a typical mountainous terrain & dry climate.


To render a five star patient care.



The purpose of the existence of the institution is the provision of: :Efficient, co-coordinated, cost effective, sustainable and comprehensive health care based on the primary health care approach.

Consumer friendly quality care; Develop productive work force through continuous human resource development strategy in an environment conducive to learning.

Core Values.

  • To support each other.
  • To be transparent.
  • To actively build strong multi-disciplinary teams.
  • To be committed towards reaching our goals.
  • To trust each other.
  • To strive for excellence and to be results driven.
  • To respect patients, clients and each other.
  • To treat staff and patient matters confidential.
  • To be positive and to seek for resolutions.
  • To be on time.
  • To respect all stages of life.
  • To take active part in the formal system & structures in the workplace.
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Church of Scotland Hospital Nursing School Contact Details

NOTE: At the time of compiling the contact details of Church of Scotland Hospital Nursing School along with their location, and phone numbers, this article is subject to change at any time, so we give no guarantee that the details below are error-free, Thus, SouthAfricaPortal is not responsible for any errors or omissions contained in this article and accepts no responsibility or liability.

Official Church of Scotland Hospital Nursing School Contact Info

Telephone : +27 (0) 33 493 1000

Fax : +27 (0) 33 493 1124

Email :

Postal Address : P/Bag X502 Tugela Ferry 3010

Physical Address : Main Dundee Road, Tugela Ferry, 3010

However, if you have queries regarding the Church of Scotland Hospital Nursing School Contact Details, Please kindly DROP A COMMENT below and we will respond to it as soon as possible.

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