
Contact Details of CPUT Address & Phone Number

Cape Peninsula University of Technology CPUT Contact Address.

Contact Details of Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT), Location, Phone Number, Postal Address, History, Alumni, Campus Address, Direction, Website, Fax, Ranking, FAQs, Google Map, Review, Funding, Banking Details, Opening Days, and Hour.


All Information regarding the CPUT online application form, courses offered, faculties/programmes, bursaries, prospectus, minimum entry requirements, programs duration, student portal login, vacancies, intake registration instruction, admission letter download pdf, checking of test and exam result, tenders, fees structure, admission login portal are accessible on this website has obtained from the official website.

About Cape Peninsula University of Technology CPUT.

The Cape Peninsula University of Technology is at the heart of technology education and innovation in Africa. An internationally acclaimed institution, it is the only university of technology in the Western Cape and is the largest university in the region with an enrolment of more than 30 000 students. The university has six faculties offering a wide range of accredited undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the fields of Applied Sciences, Business, Education and Social Sciences, Engineering, Informatics and Design as well as Health and Wellness Sciences.

CPUT Contact Details.

If you want to talk to us we would love to hear from you!

Call centre Tel: +27 21 959 6767
Applications, admissions
and registration enquiries
Tel: +27 21 959 6393
Tel: +27 21 959 6270
Tel: +27 21 959 6072
Tel: +27 21 460 3393
Tel: +27 21 460 3373
Tel: +27 21 460 8353
Athlone Campus Klipfontein Road
Tel: +27 21 684 1200
Bellville Campus PO Box 1906
Symphony Way
(off Robert Sobukwe Road)
Tel: +27 21 959 6911
District Six Campus PO Box 652
Cape Town
Hanover and
Tennant Street
Tel: +27 21 460 3911
Granger Bay Campus PO Box 652
Cape Town
Beach Road
Mouille Point
Tel: +27 21 440 5700
Mowbray Campus PO Box 652
Cape Town
Highbury Road
Tel: +27 21 680 1500
Wellington Campus Private Bag X8
Jan van Riebeeck Street
Tel: +27 21 864 5200
Groote Schuur Hospital
(Service point)
Groote Schuur Drive
Cape Town
Tel: +27 21 442 6160
Roeland Street Building Roeland Street
Cape Town
Tel: +27 21 469 1000
Media City Building 1 Heerengracht Street
Cape Town
Tel: +27 21 440 2232
Tygerberg Hospital
(Service point)
Francie van Zijl Street
Tel: +27 21 959 5571
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