
Gauteng City Region Academy (GCRA) Database Registration

GCRA Database Registration, The Gauteng City Region Academy GCRA achieves skills development through the facilitation and coordination of learnerships, internships, bursaries and career guidance programmes to ensure that the youth of Gauteng is employable.


The Gauteng City Region Academy (GCRA) is a branch of the Gauteng Department of Education responsible for promoting skills development in the Gauteng City Region.

Gauteng City Region Academy (GCRA) Database Registration Process

The Gauteng City Region Academy (GCRA) is calling all Gauteng residing graduates and unemployed youth between the ages of 18-35, to register on the GCRA Database.

Should you wish to register on the Database, kindly visit our Job Centre with the following documentation in hand –


• Detailed CV

• Certified copies of your South African Identity Document, relevant qualifications or results and

• Proof of Residence.

Online registration and a competency assessment will be conducted during your registration process.

Should any internship, learnership or work opportunity arise, those registered on the database will be informed accordingly.

GCRA Learnerships

A learnership combines theory and practical training.

It culminates into a qualification that is registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). A person on a learnership will spend some time at an institution of learning to get theoretical training and sometime in the workplace with the employer.

How does Learnership work?

An employer chooses the type of learnership they want and source learners either by directly advertising the learnership on offer or from the relevant Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA).

What should I do to participate in a learnership?

Step 1: Decide what skills you want to acquire and think about the kind of training and job you are looking for.

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Step 2: You can register as a work seeker at your nearest Labour Centre. This will help employers to find you, when they recruit for a learnership. You can also register to be enlisted on the GCRA Database.

Step 3: Find employers that offer learnerships. SETA’s can be contacted to find out which employers offer learnerships.You can also look out for advertisements in the newspaper and ask family and friends to assists you.

GCRA Bursaries

The Top 3 Grade 12 learners from all No-Fee paying, SSIP and LSEN government schools in Gauteng qualify for a bursary to study at a recognised Higher Education Institution (HEI) or a Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) College.

The TVET bursaries are also targeted at learners who have completed Grade 09 – 12 and learners (between the ages of 16 to 35) in technical schools who want to pursue vocational studies at a Gauteng TVET Public Colleges.

Learners should have already applied and been accepted at an institution for post school studies to qualify for a bursary.

The bursary allocation includes registration fees, tuition fees and prescribed books to the maximum bursary amount awarded by the Gauteng City Region Academy (GCRA).

GCRA Internships

What is an Internship?

An internship is a learning programme that offers experience to graduates and/or undergraduates in a work environment.

Internships have been adopted as part of social responsibility initiatives of the Government to address the skills gap that exists in South Africa

Who qualifies for an Internship?

Any South African Citizen who is a graduate / an undergraduate who requires experiential training in order to obtain a certain qualification.

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Graduates who have no prior working experience.

They must be between the ages of 18 and 35

For more info; CLICK HERE

To register and apply; CLICK HERE

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