
IMM Graduate School Contact Details: Map, Email, Location & Phone Numbers

IMM Graduate School Contact Details: Location, Alumni, Campus Address, Website, Ranking, Student Portal Login, Tuition Fees, FAQs, Google Map, Review, Funding, Banking Details, Phone Number, Postal Address, Opening Days, and Hour.


IMM Graduate School Contact Details

Are you looking for the contact address of the IMM Graduate School? This post provides a direct link for Undergraduate, Postgraduate, MBA, Diploma, Certificate, Degree, Masters, P.hD. programs students and staff to access and get in touch with the IMM Graduate School management.

All Information regarding the IMM Graduate School admission application form, courses offered, faculties/programmes, bursaries, prospectus, minimum entry requirements, programs duration, student portal login, vacancies, intake registration instruction, admission letter download pdf, checking of test and exam result, tenders, fees structure, admission login portal are accessible on this website (


See Also: IMM Graduate School Tuition & Fees Structure

What You Need to Know About the IMM Graduate School.

Who we are

The IMM Graduate School strives to be the distance learning provider of choice and the centre of excellence for marketing, supply chain and business disciplines in Africa.

The Institute of Marketing Management was established in 1948, and the IMM Graduate School has provided industry endorsed, distance learning qualifications since 1960. Specialising in marketing, business, and supply chain management, the IMM Graduate School has graduated more than 19 000 students, of which many hold key positions globally.

Why study with us

The IMM Graduate School is a distance learning institution, allowing you to study from anywhere, with the added benefit of not having to attend classes on a daily basis. This gives you a flexible alternative to getting your qualification. Our distance learning approach accommodates your work and other commitments, and makes it possible for you to manage your studies at any time.

See also  Vega School Portal | How to Login, Change/Reset Your Password

Because our core focus is on distance learning, and has been for the past 60 years, we fully understand the needs of our students and the challenges involved in distance learning. That’s why the IMM Graduate School has developed a support system to help you as you progress in this exciting journey to attain your chosen qualification. There’s no need to feel you’re doing this on your own, we’ll be beside you every step of the way.

What we offer

The IMM Graduate School is a reputable and stable provider of higher education, and delivers all relevant teaching, learning, and support materials necessary to offer a comprehensive selection of programmes and qualifications in marketing, supply chain, and business management.

The IMM Graduate School has an esteemed history of assessing, delivering and conferring a range of top quality, globally recognised certificates, diplomas and degrees of the highest academic integrity.


The IMM Graduate School of Marketing is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) as a Private Higher Education Institution under the Higher Education Act, 1997. Registration certificate number 2000/HE07/013.

The IMM Graduate School is quality assured by the South African Council on Higher Education (CHE). The IMM Graduate School programmes have been registered by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).

IMM Graduate School Contact Details.

If you want to talk to us we would love to hear from you!

National Call Centre Number (South Africa) 0861 466 476

Contact details for prospective students:

Tel: +27 (0) 11 628 8000

National Office Johannesburg

Atlas Studio, 33 Frost Avenue, Braamfontein Werf, 2193
P O Box 91820, Auckland Park, 2006


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