
Murray & Roberts Bursary Application Details 2022-2023

Murray & Roberts Bursary 2022 for South Africans | How to apply for Murray & Roberts bursaries program, requirements, and application closing date 2022-2023.


Are you a student looking for Companies that offered Bursaries in South Africa 2022? Murray & Roberts invites an application from suitably and qualifies students for their bursary program 2022-2023.

Every day, Students are pondering the net about:

  • How to Apply for Bursary 2022
  • Companies offering Bursaries in South Africa
  • Who Qualifies for a Bursary in South Africa
  • How Do I Get Bursary?
  • How Does Bursary Work?

If you are successfully enrolled with a University you can apply for a bursary.


Let’s dive into the full information about Murray & Roberts bursaries and application details in 2022.

bursary is a monetary award made by any educational institution or funding authority to individuals or groups. It is usually awarded to enable a student to attend school, university, or college when they might not be able to, otherwise. Some awards are aimed at encouraging specific groups or individuals into the study.

Murray & Roberts Bursary Progam 2022-2023 Application Details

About Murray & Roberts Bursaries

The best of the best students from South Africa are invited by Murray & Roberts to apply for Murray & Roberts bursaries in the offered study fields.  Candidates with a desire and passion for Engineering and Construction wanting to be part of a global organization are more than welcome to apply for these bursaries yearly.

The company does, however, require successful candidates to sign a bursary loan agreement with selected terms and conditions.  The student will enjoy the benefit of having all Tuition, Registration, and Examination fees paid yearly as well as all needed study books or guides.  The company will also provide the student with University paid accommodation and meals unless otherwise stated and student requests the equal amount to be paid out.  In this case, students will be required to prove that the money is used for accommodation, meals, and transport monthly.   

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Murray & Roberts Bursaries Available

The following fields of study are available for successful candidates:

  • Building or Construction Management
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Quality Surveying
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Mining Engineering

Murray & Roberts Bursaries Requirements

Successful candidates for the Murray & Roberts Bursary Programme will be required to provide the following documentation and it has to accompany their application:

  • Must be a South African citizen with a valid ID Book or ID Card.
  • All students must have an average of 65% or higher academically.
  • Students must have Mathematics and Science as subjects.
  • Provide their academic results or Grade 12 exemption certificate where applicable.
  • You need to provide proof of acceptance at one of the acceptable Universities for study allowed by Murray & Roberts for the chosen field of study as well as for the year of study.
  • Students already studying in one of these fields and at a University accepted by Murray & Roberts may also apply.

Graduates are required to work for the company the equal amount of years to that of the bursary awarded whereby any suspension periods would be included.  The terms of employment required will however not included any in-service training received and will be instated upon successful completion of studies.

Murray & Roberts Bursary Opportunities

The company also offers a number of employment opportunities to students who are South African citizens with less than 2 years employment history.  Candidates applying for this opportunity must be prepared to work anywhere in South Africa where they are needed.  Selection will also be determined upon the leadership ability, activities, and achievements of the candidates.  During this time, the selected candidates will receive all company benefits and a monthly salary that is market-related also including medical and pension.

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Successful candidates will receive mentorship from professionals in their field of study in addition to relevant work experience. A program coordinator will aid them in the structuring of their program.  Executives from within the company always have a keen interest in the graduates. Thus, they will receive the needed exposure to ensure accomplishment of the program objectives.  Murray & Roberts also provides the needed training and support for specialized registration.

Upon completion of the year period, you will also be able to stay on and be placed according to your skills and interests in a suitable area and position.  Your career within the company will be determined by your own performance and competence and also the opportunities available at the company.  You can now also aid others like yourself by becoming part of the Murray & Roberts Graduate Development Program that you have just completed.

Murray & Roberts Bursaries Application

Bursaries online applications are possible but they are closed currently.  To check when they do become available, you can go to the Murray & Roberts bursary information page on their website.

For any other queries concerning their bursaries, you can also contact Zazel Sale at Alternatively, mail them at

Murray & Roberts Bursaries Closing Date

Closing dates for applications are usually the beginning of June each year.  So, if you are into studying BSc, B Tech or even B Eng in any of the fields mentioned above do not delay. Get all your documents ready for when applications open.  The company provides equal opportunities according to the Employment Equity Act.

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Make sure to read every detail of your Bursary contract. Not every company offers the same rewards and some companies will ask you to work for them as long as you have held the bursary.

However, if you have queries regarding the Murray & Roberts bursary application 2022, Please kindly DROP A COMMENT below and we will respond to it as soon as possible.



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