
Official Northern Cape Urban TVET College Website |

Main Northern Cape Urban TVET College Website | All information is accessible here –


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The Northern Cape Urban TVET College Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Engineering, Diploma, Certificate, Degree programs students and staff online portal login has been enabled by the school management.

RELATED: Northern Cape Urban TVET College Online Application Form


About Northern Cape Urban TVET College

Background of Northern Cape Urban TVET College
There were 3 technical colleges in Kimberley, namely:
Moremogolo Technical College / Taemaneng Technical Centre
R C Elliott Technical College
Northern Cape Technical College
Since 1994, legislative frameworks and policies have been put into place to deal with many of the challenges facing our society, including the transformation of the education system.
Subsequently, indications were given by the Northern Cape Department of Education that the three technical colleges should amalgamate. The first phase would incorporate the merging of the R C Elliott Technical College and the Moremogolo. Technical College into Kimberley College. The amalgamation of the 2 institutions was implemented in January 1997.
The second phase of the amalgamation process was the merger of the newly formed Kimberley College (ex-Moremogolo and RC Elliott) and the Northern Cape Technical College. This process was envisaged to be completed by January 1999.
The amalgamation became effective as of 1 April 2002. The College was then known as the Northern Cape FET College with two campuses, the Moremogolo campus previously known as the Kimberley College, and the City campus previously known as the Northern Cape Technical College.   In 2015 the name of the College changed again and is now known as the Northern Cape Urban TVET College. The College is also part of DHET from April 2016
From 2016 and official January 2017 a third campus was opened. The previous Phatsimang Teachers College is now known as Phatsimang campus.
The Northern Cape Urban TVET College is an accredited Service Provider via Umalusi. The College Quality Management System is ISO 9001:2008 certified.
Strategic Goals and Initiatives
  • To provide quality teaching and learning, and increase academic performance and students’ success.
  • To have adequate infrastructure and systems in place.
  • To develop partnerships and maintain  good stakeholder relations
  • To ensure good corporate governance and effectual management.
  • To be a self-sustainable TVET College
  • To conduct research.
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Your pathway to an improved socio-economic development.
To be a relevant and responsive provider of Technical and Vocational Education and Training through establishing and sustaining partnerships with relevant stakeholders and developing our staff to fit the purpose. 
The Vision and Mission of the College are related to a set of values:
  • Integrity
  • Respect
  • People Orientation
  • Fairness
  • Loyalty
  • Accountability

Overview of Northern Cape Urban TVET College Website.

The Northern Cape Urban TVET College website is created for newly admitted (freshers) and returning students of the University to create an account or log in to perform certain academic actions at ease e.g. Course Registration, Fees Payment, View Admission List/Status, Checking of Semester Result, Acceptance Fees Payment Procedures, Transcript, View Academic Calendar, Extra Credit Hours, Deferment of Admission ETC.

Information about the Northern Cape Urban TVET College Courses Offered, admission form, admission portal, admission requirements, departmental cut-off mark, school fees payment procedures, academic calendar, result checker, handbook, grading system, school fees schedule, how you can calculate your admission point score (APS), as well as other learning-related activities, can be accessed at the Northern Cape Urban TVET College Student Portal.

Northern Cape Urban TVET College Contact Address.

If you want to talk to us we would love to hear from you!


Private Bag X5031
37-41 Long Street
Kimberley, 8301
Tel: (053) 839-2063
Fax: (053) 839-2068
GPS: -28.744378, 24.756534
Private Bag X5031
Cullinan Crescent
Kimberley, 8300
Tel: (053) 839-2000
Fax: (053) 832-1713
GPS: -28.744445, 24.769075


43 Lawson Street
New Park
Kimberley, 8301
Tel: (053) 839-2033
GPS: -28.749710, 24.763274


Private Bag X5028
777 Nobengula Road
Kimberley, 8345
Tel: (053) 802-4700
Fax: (053) 802-4777
GPS: -28.715414, 24.717422


John Daka Street
Kimberley, 8345
Tel: (053) 802-4730
GPS: -28.718428, 24.713935

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